A mountain lion attacked a leashed PitBull, named "Gigi", in the Los Angeles suburb of Sylmar, resulting in the pet dog's immediate...
A Maryland-based pest control company, Kenmore Pest Control & Termite Services, is being held accountable for polluting D.C. and must pay the...
Dogs are, no doubt, man's best friend – and this story of an 80-year-old woman with dementia who was saved by her...
A dog gets rushed to the vet after accidentally ingesting marijuana during a beach walk with owner on Saturday, July 27. The...
A police dog, in the city of Arnold, Missouri, named Vader, passes away after being left unattended in a hot patrol car...
A dog in Tulsa, Oklahoma is giving the good boys and girls a bad name after chewing on a lithium-ion battery and...
The Pacific Assistance Dog Society (PADS) reveals that the demand for assistance dog is surging, and they need support to continue matching...
Dolce & Gabbana launches their newest fragrance – this time, it's for our four-legged friends! But the RSPCA issues its warning against...
A man who was caught on CCTV abusing his pet Old Tyme Bulldog has been banned from owning any animal for five...
A dog owner in New Zealand has been sentenced to two months' jail time for overfeeding her pet dog that eventually led...
ICECDogs has released new advertising guidelines on Friday, July 12, in an effort to end the use of images of dogs with...
A 160-pound dog injures its paw on a hike at Saddle Mountain in Oregon and was carried down by firefighters down the...
Sharwood the dog makes his 40th and final blood donation like a champ. And if that isn't amazing enough, you should know...
Authorities in Colorado Springs, Colorado released a footage of a family's dog accidentally turning on the kitchen stove and accidentally starting a...
"A living miracle" – that's what they're calling a dog that was discovered and rescued from a Virginia cave by experienced cavers...
Reward for information leading to the conviction of the person responsible for the cruel abuse and abandonment of a German Shepherd near...