Popular for their dots and spots, Dalmatians are one of the most popular family pets. Although some Dalmatian experts warn that the...
You love dogs but can’t convince your parents to get you one. Is this familiar? Well, you can’t really blame your parents....
In what may be the largest laboratory study of canine intelligence ever carried out, researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland...
Owners frequently select dog breeds that reflect their personalities, according to a recent study by the dog group The Kennel Club. The...
When it comes to bringing your dog on an airplane, each airline has its own pet regulations. Whether you can bring your...
Many people believe that all dogs have a natural ability to swim. That is factually incorrect. The majority of dogs will try...
As opposed to pets or companion dogs, working dogs are trained for functional purposes. Working group dogs are intelligent, strong, attentive, and...
Understanding how to select a second dog and guarantee dog to dog compatibility is essential. How well your present pet welcomes a...
Are you thinking of getting a dog? You may prefer to get a particular breed based on your preference. But compatibility matters...
Some dogs bark less, some dogs are friendly, and some dogs are aggressive. Different dogs possess different behaviors, and as much as...
Barking is a form of communication dogs use, which in different situations can imply a variety of things. All dogs bark from...
The keeshond (pronounced KAYZ-hawnd) or wolfspitz is a rare breed that is not known by many. With its cute appearance and amazing...
Yet again, the Labrador Retriever reigns supreme as America’s most popular dog breed. This record-breaking run is no surprise, especially for all...
Havanese dogs are well-loved and are popular among many dog owners for good reason. These toy dogs, which come in a variety...
Corgis have been increasingly popular due to tons of dog celebrities online like Maxine Fluffyroad and Geordi La Corgi & Scotty. In...
Pet therapy is growing substantially in popularity as an effective treatment option in the field of healthcare, and dog therapy is gaining...