Avatar Of Allyson Mcquinn, Dhhp, Joah

Allyson McQuinn, DHHP, JOAH

Allyson McQuinn, DHHP, JOAH has been studying natural medicine for over 20 years. Working as a Physician with both humans and animals in her international practice at Arcanum Wholistic Clinic by Skype and by phone, she is able to effectively prescribe and ship remedies worldwide. She has also authored over a dozen books, one of them being "Natural Home Pharmacy For Dogs; How to Use Practical Tips, Homeopathic Remedies, Nutrition, and Training for Your Dog's Natural Health" available on Amazon (http://arcanum.ca/nhpfd). Allyson's beloved "Sammy" Terra is just one of many rescued animals she's treated using natural remedies on her farm.

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