Canine Rights

Dog-Kicking CEO Will Pay $100,000 Plus 1,000 Hours Community Service

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Desmond Hague, Ceo Of Centerplate, Has Been Ordered By His Employer To Pay $100,000 And Serve 1,000 Hours Of Community Service.
Desmond Hague, CEO of Centerplate, has been ordered by his employer to pay $100,000 and serve 1,000 hours of community service.

Desmond Hague, CEO of the Stamford-based catering company, Centerplate, was caught on surveillance video inside the elevator of a Vancouver hotel kicking a young Doberman, yanking on the dog’s leash so hard that the dog lifted off the floor by its neck, and dragging the terrified dog behind him as he exited the elevator.

When the British Columbia SPCA saw the video, they began an investigation into Hague. Officers reportedly found the dog, Sade, who is less than a year old, inside a crate, in distress, and surrounded by her own urine. Officers removed the dog after she exhibited behaviors that indicate abuse during their search.

Centerplate, who provides food services to sports arenas, stadiums, and other large event venues around the world, initially remained fairly quiet about their CEO’s actions, simply stating that they did not approve and that it wasn’t a reflection of the company.

However, as news of Hague’s behavior spread around the globe, animal lovers quickly put the pressure on sports teams, the NFL, the NBA, and MLB to drop the catering company and source their food services elsewhere.

That’s when Centerplate stepped up.

According to Global News,

(Hague) will be given a written censure, forced to serve 1000 hours of community service for an organization that protects animals, and personally donate $100,000 USD to create the Sade Foundation, which will support the protection and safety of animals in Vancouver.

Centerplate has also committed to donating a portion of their sales to the Sade Foundation.

In a statement, Centerplate also states, “The company finds Mr. Hague’s personal behavior unacceptable and outside the bounds of our high standards and expectations of all of our staff. We do not condone nor can we overlook the mistreatment of animals and Mr. Hague’s personal misconduct.”

However, they still contend that his behavior was out of character and are allowing him to keep his position as the company’s CEO.

Meanwhile, an SPCA investigation into Hague’s conduct is still underway. A search warrant has just been issued and he may still face criminal charges for animal abuse.

To read our original report on the incident, or see the difficult-to-watch surveillance video, click here.



  1. Avatar Of Kerry


    Aug 29, 2014 at 3:44 pm

    Of course another animal abuser with money thinking he can buy his way out of charges!!!! Animal abuse is a felony in ALL 50 of our states and needs to be handled as such!!! No exceptions what so ever!

  2. Avatar Of Tammy


    Aug 28, 2014 at 2:05 pm

    It does not matter a person’s standings in their community or the amt of money they make- trash is trash ! To abuse an animal of whom has zero defense to a human ‘s angry hands is just disgusting, I doubt very seriously this is “out of character” for him. In my opinion this is his TRUE character- please tell me this helpless animal has been removed from this subhuman being!

  3. Avatar Of Toni


    Aug 28, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    That man needs to be fired!! I signed the petition hoping for just that outcome. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I so pray that the investigation will result in charges against this piece of shit! Am hoping that Sade has been permanently removed from his care! I really don’t believe he feels remorse for his actions but rather that he got caught!

  4. Avatar Of Rev. Col. K.d. Frazier

    Rev. Col. K.D. Frazier

    Aug 28, 2014 at 11:01 am

    The low life P.O.S. should have been FIRED ! With the $$$ he makes; this was just a slap on the wrist … Hopefully; he will be charged and do time behind bars .. at least a year or two …

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