Breed Selector

English Pointer

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The English Pointer, also called Pointer, is a well-liked breed of powerful dog that originated in England. It belongs to the sporting breed family and are known as “bird dogs” or “gun dogs”.

They are notable for their excellence in carrying out jobs such as retrieving hunter birds and other animals, guarding property, sled-pulling, water-rescuing.

As their breed’s name suggests, the English Pointer is known to visibly point towards birds and other animals with their trademark “pointing” stance: they freeze their body with a lowered head, put one of their front paw up while aiming his nose at a particular spot to signal something and notify its owner of where to look.

English Pointers were said to have been used to locate hare as far back as the 1600s. As time goes by, these dogs have become hunters’ preferred dog because of their exceptional pointing and tracking skills.

Their smooth coat is short and dense, and usually comes in white with markings that may be liver, black, lemon, or orange in color. Although, some members have a tri-color pattern.

Height and Weight

The male members of the Pointer breed normally stand a height of 22 to 24 in at the withers, while bitches commonly have a height of 21 to 24 in. And both members typically weigh about 44 to 66 lbs.


English Pointer Hunting On The Swamp In The Autumn
Jelena Safronova /

English Pointers, in general, are extremely energetic and enthusiastic hunting dogs. So they will do well with an active owner who loves to exercise or love outdoor activities.

They are also loyal, devoted, and very intelligent, making them great family companions.

Pointers are also known to be very patient, friendly, and affectionate toward their family owners. They are also loving with children, and are usually fine with other animals.

While they are not dog-aggressive, the English Pointer can be relatively aloof around strangers. They are adaptable by nature, though may require socialization at young age.

In addition, lack of exercise can make them quite high strung and destructive. But with adequate exercise, the breed can be calm at home.

Furthermore, they are a bit stubborn, are easily distracted, and are very sensitive. So, when training one, you will need to be patient. Obedience training that includes a lot of praise and food reward plus gentle corrections are effective ways to train these dogs.


English Pointers are known to be average shedders. And they are very easy to groom because their short coat only needs regular brushing.

However, cleaning their ears may be highly necessary to keep them from acquiring ear infections.

Health Concerns

Members of the Pointer breed are generally healthy. In fact, they have an average life expectancy of about 13 to 14 years.

Nevertheless, like any other canine, English Pointers are also prone to a few health complications. These include dog allergies, hip dysplasia,  epilepsy, cherry eye, thyroid disorders, and even dwarfism.

Best Environment

English Pointers are working gun dogs at heart, and so living in a small space like an apartment, is not suitable for them. They need to be able to release their energy and have a lot outdoor time.

However, English Pointers also love to be with their family owners. So while they are active outdoors, they also love staying indoors with their master.

Furthermore, Pointers are commonly vary calm and relaxed, though can be very energetic and tireless. They can be happy being couch potatoes that gets constant nap every after regular exercise exposure. But daily vigorous exercise is also important to keep them from becoming restless.

Taking them out for daily, brisk, long walks or jogs would be excellent. And allowing them to run alongside the owner when he or she bicycles or letting them swim and retrieve objects will also make them happy.

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