Lifestyle with Dog

Is the Time Right To Buy a Puppy?

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When you avoid buying a puppy until the time is right, you allow the child time to consider and research the different dog breeds so they can choose the one canine they really want. Dogs come in every size, temperament, and level of trainability under the sun. The breed you and the child finally settle on should fit in with the maturity of the child, what their interests are, and how much room you have for the breed.

Does it make sense to pick a toy breed when your child loves to swim and play sports? Of course not, so a better choice would be one of the Labrador breeds who are natural swimmers, and love to play games like fetch and retrieve. Active kids are going to want a dog they can enjoy their activities with. For the more sedate child the best choice will probably be a dog that does not require large amounts of daily exercise, or stimulating activities to be happy.

Just like all children are different, so are the breeds of dogs we have to select from. Matching up the best dog breed for your child is not a hit or miss deal. Take all these things into consideration so you will avoid buying a puppy until the time is right.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Katri Kovanen

    Feb 1, 2014 at 11:27 am

    Not actually commenting on when it is or is not a good time to get a puppu, but warning people to check REALLY thoroughly that the puppy you’re getting isn’t a puppymillproduct…

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