Canine Rights

Owner Banned From Owning Pets For 5 Years

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When a pet is neglected by the owner, there can be serious consequences for the owner, because the owner is the one responsible for the overall health, condition and behavior of the dog or pet. Think of a case when a child is abandoned by his or her parents and left to wander in the streets. This abandoned child may become abducted, injured, or develop an illness that is hard to cure. The same basic principle is true in the pet world. Below is an unsettling story about a dog owner who has received a 5 year pet ban for neglecting her dog’s illness due to a tumor.

5-year Pet Ban

Sarah Taylor, 38 years old and the single mother of three kids, from Winston Road, Trevethin, was sentenced to a five year ban barring her from keeping animals because of failing to treat a tennis ball sized tumor of her seven year old colored mastiff boxer cross named Buster. The tumor was located in Buster’s leg, which had formed sores and was greatly swollen. The suffering of the dog was between May 10 and May 31, 2012, and was discovered after an RSPCA inspector found Buster at Taylor’s home on May 31st due to a report from concerned citizens. This eventually resulted in her 5 year pet ban from further pet ownership.

Buster was then taken to Summerhill Vets, Newport. There were additional diagnoses aside from his swollen tumor, such as being slightly underweight and severe ear infection. His ear problems were medicated using anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

According to the owner, Buster received the tumor from an injury sustained while staying with another pet (presumably a dog). Taylor could not afford any expensive treatment for Buster’s tumor so she just tried a do-it-yourself medication, using antiseptic ointment coupled with duct tape. This would prevent the tumor from further infection, she says. According to a certain Gareth Thomas, Taylor was also in a bad situation because she could not find money to have Buster treated, so she tried a bunch of traditional medicines passed from old folks, but they did not work well with treating the tumor.

She states that it was not her intention at all to neglect the dog – it is just that she had great trouble getting funds for Buster’s veterinary needs. She was also not aware of the dog’s ear infection. Eventually, Buster was treated well afterwards and most likely, he will be put up for adoption.

Consequently Taylor was sentenced to the 5 year pet ban from owning pets for five years, sentenced last September 24th at Abergavenny Magistrates’ Court. She had to pay a fine of £75, plus £100 medical costs and £15 for victim surcharge, abiding to the laws of responsible pet ownership.

This incident clearly reveals owning a pet is not to be taken lightly, nor is it for the people who do not have enough funds or resources to provide for their pet. If Taylor had only asked local vets and animal groups to help her financially this sad event would have ended differently for poor Buster. There are many groups out there who are very much willing to help penniless pet owners who want only the safety and health of their dog. Avoid being sentenced to a 5 year pet ban and seek assistance when necessary.

In my opinion, this owner should maybe GET 5 years?? Has this story touched your heart? Please leave your comments below.



  1. Avatar Of Pennie


    Apr 10, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    I agree with several of Boston & Elena and I think there are a few others. We don’t know her whole situation. I was where she was at one point in my life and had no choice but to give up my dog. There wasn’t any place that I could turn to, I had 2 young children and was forced to move to a shelter for women. It was VERY easy to get help for the kids and myself but there was absolutely no place to get help for my dog. I loved him dearly. He was always current on shots and everything else that he needed, but he needed a surgery that I just couldn’t afford. The only help I could find was to surrender the dog to a shelter. THEN he could get taken care of and adopted out….. DOES THAT SOUND RIGHT?? Why not help pay for the surgery and send him home where he WAS really loved and he loved us? To me that would make more sense.
    There are a lot of really radical people out there that have blinders on to what happens in the real world. IF you haven’t been in that situation, don’t judge others that have been.

  2. Avatar Of Molly


    Apr 10, 2013 at 1:43 pm

    This person should never be alowed to have any kind of animal for life!!!!I would also look at the care and attention taken with her children. but then again that is just my opinion.

  3. Avatar Of Lou Plessala

    Lou Plessala

    Apr 10, 2013 at 11:13 am

    Why is her punishment only 5 years? I am a rescuer and I am sick of hearing the “poor pity me” human side of the story! She should NEVER be allowed to have pets! Look at the suffering she caused this dog!!! Once an ABUSER, ALWAYS an ABUSER! Just like a psychopath……..can’t EVER FIX THEM!

  4. Avatar Of Elaine


    Apr 10, 2013 at 10:49 am

    I don’t feel sorry for the lady. If she is not in a position to cover veternary costs for a pet, she shouldn’t have one. Same goes for any one. They get sick and need medical care just as your child does.

  5. Avatar Of Suzanne


    Apr 10, 2013 at 10:15 am

    Not only is she a hugh failure as a pet owner but she’s also a failure as a parent…..What lesson’s must her children have learned about love and compassion?

  6. Avatar Of Elena Sicurella

    Elena Sicurella

    Apr 10, 2013 at 10:03 am

    I can remember many many years ago I had a dog almost in the same situation a tumor. I went to my vet of many years and asked if I gave him post dated checks to cover the cost and deposit one every week when I get paid if he would do it. He said NO not allowed to. Pay up in full or a charge card. I was a single parent also and had my dog for 10 years same vet, never billed, always paid upfront for his care. I did not have a charge card. My 10 years of caring for my baby showed I was responsible. I called the ASPCA asked for help was told no because I had an income. So sometimes there are People in this world that love there pets unconditionally and really do not have the funds to pay upfront for medical for their pet. That does not make them a bad person. I did borrow the over $1,000.00 bill and paid the person back as I would have the vet. I was lucky for that. I have said vet costs are outrageous. Flea med outrageous. No wonder there is an alarming amount of homeless pets out there. So now being poor and on a tight budget makes you a bad person and being penalized for 5 years where people like JLO are killing dogs for fur. No punishment there. Go figure.

  7. Avatar Of Boston Terrier

    Boston Terrier

    Apr 10, 2013 at 10:01 am

    Without knowing the whole story I think some of the comments are harsh she did try self medicating granted it didn’t work she’s a single Mom probably overwhelmed with life if she learns a lesson on how to better treat animals and how to ask for help than this enough. There are far more heinous acts against animals than this that sometimes go unpunished. Sometimes we are so crazed for justice we forget the whole picture EDUCATION is the key.

    • Avatar Of Elena Sicurella

      Elena Sicurella

      Apr 10, 2013 at 10:32 am

      I agree with you. But where do you go if organizations say no to helping you. It is a no win situation. No one bills anymore. And sometimes people just don’t have enough on credit cards to pay in full…So what do you do? As for her children, I am sure she must have insurance or government health insurance. There are options. I feel bad, if not affording surgery was her only neglect try to understand the financial end of it. Sometimes when we get pets you really do not prepare for emergencies. We cannot go on FB like these organizations do and ask for donations. If she was abusing, hitting, not feeding, dog fighting, no water or shelter. Yes ban her. Didn’t Michael Vick get the same punishment for dog fighting and some of his dogs died. Something does not seem right she gets a 5 year ban for being poor.

  8. Avatar Of Robert Pipher

    Robert Pipher

    Apr 10, 2013 at 9:58 am

    I do not think that 5 years of not owning a pet is enough. People who can abuse children or animals have problems that cannot be solved just by doing something so minor as this. Who is going to verify that he does not have a pet in the home? You an’t get authorities to act in a timely matter when you report abuse much less follow up on something like this! Until our judicial system starts taking animal abuse charges seriously many many animals will die!! Remember if you see abuse report it immediately…follow up, you cannot “assume” that it will be taken care of! Immediately start keeping a paper/picture trail of the abuse and if the animal is in imminent danger call the police!!!

  9. Avatar Of Cathy Russell

    Cathy Russell

    Apr 10, 2013 at 9:47 am

    Her sentence should have been for life not 5 years. If she would let this happen to her dog she would probably also let it happen to one of her kids. She could have gotten a 2nd job. This woman has no heart. To let her dog suffer for so long was horrible. /An animal that gave her and her family unconditional love.

  10. Avatar Of Ladonna


    Apr 10, 2013 at 9:43 am

    the dog is the victim here, not the person… her poor me attitude shows she does not care about the pain she allowed that poor dog to suffer….. if she cared she would have found a way to get treatment, someone should check on the 3 kids as well!!

  11. Avatar Of Christine


    Apr 10, 2013 at 9:35 am

    She should be banned for life and she should be penalized for neglecting her dog! She is full of excuses and doesn’t really seem to care that she allowed this poor dog to suffer for so long.

  12. Avatar Of Lenn Pacheco

    Lenn Pacheco

    Apr 10, 2013 at 9:11 am

    I think the ban should be for LIFE not just 5 years!! (Granted, it is better than nothing, but……)

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