Celebrity Pets

U.S. Olympic Freeskier to Adopt 5 Sochi Strays

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For U.S. Olympic freeskier, Gus  Kenworthy, winning the silver medal in men’s slopestyle skiing yesterday wasn’t the only exciting thing to happen in Sochi!

When the avid animal lover got word of a mother dog and her litter of puppies living underneath a security tent outside the main entrance of the media center in Rosa Khutor village in Sochi, Kenworthy hopped on the next available gondola to go check them out – and immediately fell in love!

puppy love is real to puppies. pic.twitter.com/krauCUPjOg

— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) February 11, 2014

Now, Kenworthy is doing everything possible to get the mother and her pups back home to the states.

“For the people wondering, I’ve lined up kennels 4 the pups & made vaccination appointments. Doing all I can to bring them home w/ me!” he Tweeted.

He further explained that getting the puppies back home – where he’s already got adopters lined up for 3 of them and plans to keep the 4th – shouldn’t be a problem, but getting their mother to the states is a bigger challenge as their are more restrictions on adult dogs.

A dog lover his entire life, Kenworthy lost his own dog, Mack, a mixed-breed he adopted from the Colorado Humane Society, last year.

He told USA Today, “I’ve been a dog lover my whole life and to find just the cutest family of strays ever, here at the Olympics, was just a fairy tale way to have that go down.”

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  1. Avatar Of Tracey



    Love you Gus!!! You are the best!!!

  2. Avatar Of Margit Wacha

    Margit WAcha


    Danke für Ihr Gutes Herz!
    Hoffentlich kann die Hundemutter mit denKleinen
    ausreisen…Sie wären für viele ein Beispiel!

  3. Avatar Of Kevin Hunt

    Kevin hunt


    Your sir are a true son of the states. Bravo! No medal no matter what kind could have made me more proud of our athletes in Sochi. I’ve been watching the games 40 years with my father as a child and with my sons now. 3 dogs here in Laurinburg NC barking “USA USA! We love you.

  4. Avatar Of Sharon D. Anderson

    Sharon D. Anderson


    Gus..uve made my heart fill with joy! I only hope there will be many more peopke who will follow ur footsteps. As u may already know Sochi has been on a killing these dogs & have alreay killed 7000 stray dogs not even giving them a chance. I hope & pray that you may have started something to bring awareness to these dogs plight. God bless you…& congradulations on winning a silver medal…
    Thanks Again, Sharon Anderson
    New Castle, DE

  5. Avatar Of David Slater

    David Slater


    Gus, You are truly GOLD. to me. You are truly a wonderful person. You give an old man a reason to believe their are still such wonderful people like you. The dogs thank you.

  6. Avatar Of Anita Korbelik

    Anita Korbelik


    Thank goodness there are still people out there like you. God Bless you all!

  7. Avatar Of Mary Ann Sticka

    Mary Ann Sticka


    Made a donation to help you though Emerald city pet rescue to help you get the mom and puppies back to the US with you. Thanks for saving them!!! Your the best!!! And congratulation on your silver metal Too!!!

  8. Avatar Of Phyllis Trude

    Phyllis Trude


    God bless you for caring about these furry little ones. It warms my heart to see such caring in this crazy world! Please bring Momma home too. Whatever it takes.

  9. Avatar Of Gloria



    You are taking the BEST medal of the Olympics home!! God speed on the return back to the states with the puppies, and HOPEFULLY for MAMA also! You have a heart of GOLD in your chest even though you don’t have one around your neck!! Bless you and the puppies and their Mama!

  10. Avatar Of Janet Carrino

    Janet Carrino


    THANK YOU Gus for your loving & caring heart. Watched you in your winning run & it was very exciting!! So happy for you. I hope you can get the pups mom back to the U.S. Janet

  11. Avatar Of Kathy Haruf

    Kathy Haruf


    You have no idea the far-reaching affect this will have on all animal lovers. What an amazing and unselfish person you are not to mention your ability as an athlete. if you need a home for “mom”, my husband and i in Denver would be happy to take her. Our little shelter dog needs a playmate:)

  12. Avatar Of Eddy Eavenson

    eddy eavenson


    as soon as I heard that they were gonna kill
    all those strays, i wanted all the people from
    different countries to be given the opportunity
    to adopt them and take them home after the
    olympics, I’m glad someone has seen the
    light and has a great big heart, thank you!

  13. Avatar Of Michele



    You will have Four creatures that will love you more then life and five if Mom gets to go. Sad to think Mom’s fate if she is left behind.

  14. Avatar Of Cy Guy

    cy guy


    Dear Gus,

    God bless you! On behalf of dogs, thank you.

    Please take the mother with you.

    Cy Guy

  15. Avatar Of Peter Fenton

    Peter Fenton


    God bless you Gus! Good luck with getting the entire family back to the USA!
    This is one great piece of good news as all we read about is how the Russians are systematically exterminating all the stray dogs in Sochi ! How cruel !!

  16. Avatar Of Linda Smith Linda Smith says:

    Thank you, Gus. May God bless you for protecting His creatures! I will pray the mom gets to come also!

  17. please sir take the mommie home to the states for adoption,please.thank you.you are wonderful human being and god will always take care of yu

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