Basic Training

Use Clicker Training For a Stubborn Dog

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Treats your dog loves and a clicker are all you need to begin this form of behavioral training. Use very small treats so the dog does not fill up on them. You want the dog to eat a small treat very quickly because as this training begins it is very fast paced. Giving large treats takes too much time for the dog to eat, and defeats the purpose we are working on.

Here are three important clicker training keys to success. First, click BEFORE giving the treat for good behavior. You want the dog to understand the association of he does as told, click, and treat sequence.

Secondly we only want to click a single time for each good behavior performed or command obeyed. Never allow the kids or a friend play around with the clicker because the dog is going to here this constant clicking and become confused.

Last key is to always train in a quiet are where there are no distractions, and keep the training time at five minutes or so.

If you follow these tips, clicker training for a stubborn dog will have that ornery pooch behaving in no time at all!

Have you used a clicker to train a dog? Please leave comments below.

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