Dogs & Laws

4 Years Later, Man Who Brutally Tortured, Killed Ollie the Pit Bull Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

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More than four years after the brutal abuse, torture, and ultimate death of Ollie the Pit Bull, his abuser has finally admitted to his crimes—but not before a plea deal that reduced his possible 170-year sentence to just 10 years behind bars. Since he’s already served four years, Ollie’s killer could walk free in just six more.

Brendan Evans plead guilty to the torture and death of Ollie the Pit Bull. Images via Justice for Ollie | Facebook

Dog lovers around the world watched, waited, and prayed for Ollie, a pit bull found brutally beaten and stabbed at least 50-times before being shoved into a suitcase and abandoned behind a building in Hollywood, Florida. A good Samaritan discovered the suitcase and the gruesome scene inside and immediately called police. Ollie was rushed to VCA Hollywood Animal Hospital for treatment, where he underwent multiple surgeries for his unimaginable wounds.

Sadly, despite the efforts of veterinarians and the prayers of millions, Ollie succumbed to his injuries, taking his final breath on October 12, 2017. Despite his horrific injuries, Ollie remained sweet, trusting, and friendly during the two days he spent at the animal hospital, and his tail never stopped wagging, his caretakers said.

Brendan Evans, now 35, was arrested on November 22, 2017, after DNA evidence found on the suitcase where Ollie was found led police to his home. While executing a search warrant of Evans’ apartment, police discovered multiple dead animals, including several dismembered rats and cat paws. Police noted blood spatter on the walls of the apartment and in a bedroom, and reported finding what appeared to be animal fur in the oven, jars of animal urine, and unidentified organs in the freezer.

In addition, police found knives and a machete with dried animal blood and an 8-pointed star and candlelit shrine with torn pieces of the Crimestoppers flyer about Ollie’s death along with a handwritten note that read, “Make the entire pit bull investigation go away. Return all curses placed on Brendan to their sender. Give Brendan peace of mind.”

Police also found one of Ollie’s teeth inside Evans’ wallet.

In February of 2017, a Fort Lauderdale officer spotted Evans trying to kick a duck and her ducklings. When questioned, Evans told the officer he wanted to kill the ducks because he practices voodoo, police said. And, in June of that year, Evans purchased two kittens through a Delray Beach Craigslist ad. The kitten seller called police to express concerns when Evans contacted her a few days later requesting more kittens.

Evans was never charged or arrested in connection with prior accusations of animal abuse against him. But, the animal abuser did have a lengthy criminal record including arrests ranging from felony drug possession, DUI, domestic violence, and was serving 15 years probation following a 2015 bank robbery in Brooksville, Florida when he was arrested in connection with Ollie’s mutilation and death. Fingerprints taken during the search of his apartment also linked him to a residential burglary earlier that year.

Upon his arrest, Evans was charged with 17 counts of aggravated animal cruelty. Each charge carried a 10-year maximum sentence meaning Evans would potentially spend the next 170 years in jail if found guilty.

However, on Tuesday, more than four years after the brutal attack on Ollie, prosecutors dropped 15 of the 17 charges against Evans in exchange for his guilty plea.

After pleading guilty, Evans was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his crimes—a mere blink in time when compared to the 170 years he was facing four years ago. Was justice served?



  1. Avatar Of Sean D Gude

    Sean D Gude

    Apr 8, 2022 at 4:27 am

    Is this a joke? This thug deserves life in prison with absolutely no possibility of parole. Monsters of this magnitude don’t ever change.

  2. Avatar Of Dev


    Nov 23, 2021 at 9:29 pm

    That’s not long enough. He’s going to continue to torture animals once he is released. He needs court mandated therapy.

  3. Avatar Of Ilene


    Nov 15, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    These animal abusers are beyond disgusting demons!! They ALL need to just fall off the face of the planet!! Animals do NOT DESERVE the brutal treatment they get and the laws need to be enforced in full force to stop this insanity!!!! Our lawmakers as well as our judiciary system has completely FAILED these animals!! Just because they have NO VOICE doesn’t mean they don’t matter!! They sadly endure the same abuse that children and other humans endure and the abusers get off with a slap on the hand! REALLY??? This is sickening!!!! The laws MUST BE CHANGED AND ALL ANIMALS NEED TO BE PROTECTED FROM THESE HORRIFIC AND DEMENTED INDIVIDUALS!!!!!!

  4. Avatar Of Max


    Nov 10, 2021 at 12:37 pm

    I repeat: people who will torture animals will do the same to you. This man is a monster & should be locked up for the rest of his life.

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