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9-Year Old Boy Faces His Biggest Fears to Rescue a Dog

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Macy Is Doing Well Today Thanks To The Courage Of Her 9-Year Old Neighbor, Grant. Photo Via Wfaa.
Macy is doing well today thanks to the courage of her 9-year old neighbor, Grant. Photo via WFAA.

When 9-year old Grant Snodgrass heard the news that his neighbor’s 10-pound, 15-year old Shih Tzu, Macy, had fallen down a Plano, Texas storm drain, his first reaction was, “Oooooh, man. That sounds scary!”

Still, the boy, who has a furry best friend of his own, rushed outside to see if everything was ok.

“The neighbor was right here, leaning down with the leash, trying to get it over the dog’s neck; but when the leash got onto it’s neck, it always backed away,” Grant explained to WFAA Channel 8.

After 45 minutes of trying to lasso the frightened pup in the scorching August heat, Grant’s father and the neighbor decided opening the manhole cover and crawling inside was the only way to save little Macy.

Unfortunately for Grant, he was the only one small enough to fit down the hole.

“It was pretty creepy,” Grant said. “It felt slimy, there were bugs everywhere, and water everywhere,” he reported.

Still, he faced his fears and, with the help of his dad and neighbor, was able to lift the little dog to safety while his proud parents beamed with pride. Grant says he’s not sure where he got the courage to go down the hole, especially since the 9-year old has dealt with anxiety, particularly about small spaces and bugs.

But, he says, he’d do it again if he needed to.

Macy is doing just fine and Grant was rewarded to some ice cream for his amazing act of courage!



  1. Avatar Of

    [email protected]

    Aug 17, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    What a courageous young man and lucky dog.

  2. Avatar Of Patsy


    Aug 16, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    Awesome job Grant! I have a 15 year old shihtzu as well. If something happened to her & I needed help, I hope a brave young man like you would be near. You are a true hero!!

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