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The Axios Airsoft Group of Antofagasta, Chile, were suited up and ready to start shooting last January when they heard strange cries coming from nearby and stopped to investigate. What they found would shock the world.
As shown in the video below, a group of heroic Airsoft players came to the rescue of two dogs that were trapped in a tar pit. The dogs were sinking fast, completely soaked in the thick, sticky tar, and were struggling to breathe.
For some, this video will be hard to watch. You will want to crawl through your computer monitor and leap into the tar pit to rescue the struggling puppies yourself! But do stick with it, it’s worth it in the end.
Both dogs were pulled to safety and rushed to the care of rescue workers from Gatos Abandonatos Antofagasta(Abandoned Cats of
Antofagasta), where they were carefully scrubbed clean of the sticky, water-resistant goop and examined by veterinarians who were concerned about long-term effects or respiratory illness from being submerged in tar. Both puppies became sick with canine distemper.
Rescue workers also scoured the area, searching for more dogs or any clues to how they ended up in the pits. They found the bodies of 6 more
dogs in a neighboring tar pit and speculate that the dogs were thrown there and left purposely to die, that they did not wander into the pits on their own.
As for the two puppies that survived, Lancelot and Sacha, as they have been named, are now happy, healthy, and ready for loving forever homes! The rescue group that
nursed the pups back to good health hopes to adopt the pair out together, as they are truly the best of friends. The pair have even appeared on television and in public speaking appearances together, to bring attention to animal welfare and to teach Chileans about animal abuse.
For information about the los perritos del Alquitran (the tar puppies), visit Gatos Abandonados Antofagasta on Facebook by clicking here.

mineral sea salt soak
Jan 9, 2014 at 3:56 pm
This is my first time pay a visit at here and i am in fact impressed to read all at alone
Jan 2, 2014 at 10:39 pm
Thank God someone found them and worked so
Hard to save their lives . I think it’s always going
To be an ongoing battle . That’s why so many people
Are involved in saving these dogs . Hopefully these organizations
Will continue to grow with donations from the public. A Dollar
Goes a long way if every one gives . These dogs deserved to be
Saved as would any human being . These rescuers need a big
Thank You it goes along way to know what they did was
Saved 2 Lives . No matter what they will never forget in their
Own hearts . What a heartwarming ending .
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Mary Gibson
Oct 12, 2013 at 2:07 pm
The person that did this to these poor animals should be thrown into the same pit and left to die. That would be suitable justice in my book. I will even push them in!!!
Sep 22, 2013 at 6:00 pm
it was sad to see that these defenceless pups had been dumped by such a cruel person an I hope they find who this was an punish them, maybe dump them in a pit full of hot tar. well done to the men that helped these animals thank you for being such caring people. I hope the dogs find a caring forever home bless them x
Sep 22, 2013 at 2:29 pm
RESPECT to those men
Sep 22, 2013 at 1:26 pm
cant watch it! i was crying.. thanks good people for saving those poor dogs…
Ellen Ewers
Sep 22, 2013 at 12:50 pm
Oh my God…so heartbreaking…I have no word!!! Thank you so much for this rescue!!!
Sep 22, 2013 at 11:34 am
Im so glad the pups are rescued although that one person pulling the ears of the pup was doing it the wrong way, still his intentions and his heart is right for desperately rescuing the puppies! KUDOS to these heroes. And like others said, the one who threw the puppies in the tar should suffer the same way ..I hope karma beat him as bad as he did to these poor puppies.Again , Axios Airsoft Group of Antofagasta, Chile, Thank you heroes ♥ May more men be like you. You are the real men.
Sep 19, 2013 at 1:28 pm
No tar pit should be left open . They should all be Securely Fenced , so that only One Authorized person can open it for Individuals that are Licenced to use it .
R.I.P. To the little ones that didn’t survive, you are in God’s hands now <3. And I hope whoever did this will suffer the same fate.
God Bless All the Wonderful People and Their Families who had Rescued and Saved these Precious Little Babies <3 <3 <3 .
Margaret Robitaille
Sep 18, 2013 at 10:33 pm
thank you to those who saved those two pups, so sad the other 6 died. how can anyone do such a awful thing to such a beautiful animal? Prayers for all them even the men who saved them. May the ones who didn’t make it RIP.
Sep 18, 2013 at 9:29 pm
God Bless those that worked so diligently to save these beautiful babies.. may St Francis watch over the 6 who perished..and may there be a special place in hell for the inhuman bastards that put them there to begin with!
Sep 18, 2013 at 7:27 pm
Thank you guys for saving this dog life. You are truly heroes. May God bless you and your family. I can’t understand how people can be so cruel…
Sep 18, 2013 at 6:39 pm
Sep 18, 2013 at 4:49 pm
i hope the assholes that did this have the same thing happen to them.
Sep 18, 2013 at 4:13 pm
those guys are HEROS!!
Nan archuleta
Sep 18, 2013 at 3:39 pm
Thank you to these brave men who worked so hard to save these two puppies. I hope they find the animal that did this to them and give similar punishment!
annette delgau
Sep 18, 2013 at 1:03 pm
This was so sad to watch . Who ever dumped this puppies into a tar pit if ever found should have some one dump them into a tar pit. Such cruelty!!! I feel sick . Even in Chile there are places to take unwanted animals I’m sure. Thankyou to those who saved these little guys. Its a shame that six ot6hers had to die!!!!!
Jacqueline Williams
Sep 18, 2013 at 2:07 pm
Thank you to these kind men. Thank you also to the group that cleaned them up and gave them the love and attention they deserved. And to the people who did this, I can only hope karma takes real good care of you.
Ann MacMichal
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:24 pm
I can’t watch it either. The text is enough for me.
Jaye Aither
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:05 pm
Sickening. I couldn’t watch the video.
jean mick
Sep 18, 2013 at 7:39 pm
When will the madness of hurting helpless creatures stop?
Oct 6, 2013 at 7:19 pm
Will end with strong laws against the abusers,I without regret believe that people who do this should go to the same experience and be push inside the tar and left there for days.