Avatar Of Brandy Arnold

Brandy Arnold

When I adopted my shepherd mix, Molly, from a local shelter almost 2 decades ago, I had no idea the impact she would have on my life. Through Molly, I learned to be more patient, experienced unconditional love, and ingested enough fur to build 3 or 4 more dogs! When I lost Molly to cancer in 2012, I adopted a pair of Golden retriever siblings who repaired the hole in my heart and give me reason to smile every single day! Brandy is a writer, editor, and founding administrator at The Dogington Post. She has studied Dog Emotion and Cognition through Duke University and participates in K9 Nose Work with her two dogs, Olive & Noah. She is also a Subaru Ambassador, sharing her love of the brand, lifestyle, and promoting their shared love of pets.

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