Weird & Wacky

BAARRRRK! It’s ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’: What’s Your Dog’s Pirate Name?

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Ahoy mateys! It’s ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day!’ Every good dog -er, pirate- needs a special name! What’s your pet’s pirate name?


Healthy Paws Pet Insurance—the #1 customer-rated provider of insurance for dogs and cats – has traveled the seven seas and into the depths of Davey Jones’ locker to create an infographic to help you find out your pets pirate name.

Take the first letter of your pet’s name and combine it with their birth/gotcha month, and you get your pet’s extra special pirate name. And don’t forget – when you read the name aloud, start with an enthusiastic “YARRRR.”


Yo, ho, ho – there’s no need to walk th’ plank, just comment below with your dog’s pirate name!

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