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Black Lab Drives Pick-Up Truck Into Backyard Swimming Pool

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Mike and Ruth Smith were taking their Black Lab, Caroline, along for a trip to the grocery store when something spooked the 90-pound pup.

When she gets scared, Caroline tends to dive onto the floorboard of the 1988 Dodge pickup. Only this time, Caroline dove right onto Ruth’s foot, pressing it squarely on the gas pedal.

The couple were unable to pull Caroline off the pedal so Ruth, who was behind the wheel, aimed for a wooden fence, to both stop the vehicle and to avoid hitting any pedestrians.

After busting through the fence at about 55 MPH, they landed smack in the middle of John McNamara’s pool! John and his wife were in the kitchen when they heard the commotion.

“I just had open heart surgery in January,” McNamara told WTVD-TV. “I said, ‘I’m gonna have another heart attack here.'”

Mike suffered a few cuts to his hand and Ruth and Caroline were both uninjured.

They are sorry for what happened to the McNamara’s pool, but the couple say it probably saved all three of their lives.

As for Caroline, it might be time for a seat belt!

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