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Colombian Cartel Puts $100k Bounty on Drug-Sniffing Dog’s Head

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A drug-detection dog with the Colombian National Police is so successful at sniffing out illicit drugs that the Colombian cartel has offered the equivalent of $100,000 US dollars for anyone that can capture and kill her.

colombian cartel

Sombra, which means Shadow in English, is a 6-year old German shepherd and Colombia’s most famous drug-sniffing dog whose exceptional olfactory skills have led to the arrest of at least 245 people in recent years.

Earlier this year Sombra sniffed out 10 tons of Urabeños cocaine, and now the Colombian cartel want her dead. They’ve offered a bounty of the equivalent of $100,000 to anyone that can capture and kill the famous working dog.

Police intelligence recently learned about the bounty set by the Urabeños, also known as the Gulf Clan and are taking the threat seriously, putting extra precautions in place for Sombra’s safety.

“The fact they want to hurt Sombra and offer such a high reward for her capture or death shows the impact she’s had on their profits,” a police representative told the Telegraph.

As a result of the threat to her life, Sombra has been reassigned to sniffing luggage at Bogota’s El Dorado International Airport, an airport outside of the gang’s influence, and was assigned additional handlers to ensure her safety.


But, the calm, cool, and collected pooch is happy wherever she’s working.

“Sombra is a very friendly, calm canine, and for that reason, she has no problem approaching children or people who want to say hello to her,” Oscar Favian Solarte, head of the anti-narcotics division, told El Tiempo. “She’s playful, and in fact that is part of the development of her job. Not only to look for caches of illicit drugs but also, after her work is done, to de-stress, so to speak.”

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