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A cement wall at the Minneapolis Animal Care and Control (MACC) was just not high enough for a pair of inseparable pals.
A video from inside MACC shows a brown dog, named Brenda, hopping over the wall to spend time with another one of the shelter’s dog, named Linda.
The Pitbulls, Brenda and Linda, reportedly came in at MACC at the same time. And the shelter hopes that the pair leave together, too.
Madison Weissenborn, an employee at Minneapolis Animal Care and Control, said that when she and another employee were walking through the kennels, they had to to do a triple take when they saw Brenda and Linda in the same kennel.
“Two pitties came to the front of the kennel to greet us, and we were like, ‘What?” Weissenborn tells CBS News.
The mystery was solved by CCTV footage that shows Brenda climbing over the wall. Weissenborn said, “We rewatched the video that we have, and I about died. I was like this is truly magnificent.”
Weissenborn also said she wishes that the duo gets adopted together. “We know it’s not gonna be easy to find them placement together, but we would love it if we could,” she said.
According to Weissenborn, the inseparable pair came in the shelter three weeks ago, where the shelter has been near capacity.
The shelter has been experiencing challenges, like surrenders, a shortage of vet techs and the nationwide trend of large dog adoptions slowing down.
Brenda and Linda are still up for adoption, and so does many other shelter dogs at MACC.
According to MACC, they have no fee when you adopt a dog 7 months or older. And if you can’t adopt, you can always opt to foster, donate or volunteer.