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Dog Rescued From Death Row Is To Become A Broadway Star

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Have you heard that a dog rescued from death row is to become a broadway star? Shelter dogs, if not rescued by a pet enthusiast, normally end up being euthanized. Most of them have been abandoned by their owners and some just got lost and wandered off. Each year, countless tens of thousands of dogs are sent into shelters and euthanized if not claimed or adopted within a certain time. But not all stray dogs’ stories end up this way.

Dog Rescued From Death Row Is To Become A Broadway Star

Sunny, a stray dog with an injured leg, was about to be euthanized 4 months ago. She had only 48 hours to live, until she was discovered by the staff of “Annie”, a Broadway musical being revived this fall.

She was rescued from a shelter in Houston and was taken to New York City. She instantly auditioned for the lead dog role in the remake of the musical “Annie” and won the role!

So how did an ordinary shelter dog’s story of being euthanized suddenly take a twist of fate into getting a chance for a Broadway spot? The show’s staff had already chosen three dogs for the lead role of Sandy, Annie’s best buddy. But Arielle Tipper, the producer, did not stop there – she wanted a fourth choice. So, she contacted William Berloni, who is the Humane Society of New York’s behavior consultant and animal trainer, to find another option for the role. They searched throughout different shelters and websites, and when they saw Sunny’s photo on a website, Tipper quickly decided upon rescuing her.
And just like in a fairy tale, an unlikely shelter dog travels from Houston to New York and wins the lead role of Sandy for the musical, despite all the odds. According to James Lapine, the director, Sunny was the best choice because of her temperament, good looks, and a very unique athletic enthusiasm. She can even walk on her hind legs, which amazed the staff.

August 1st is the beginning of Sunny’s training for her role, under Berloni, in an apartment on Upper West Side. Casey, who was also a shelter dog back then, will accompany Sunny in her training adventures. Given that fact, did you know that every dog that played the lead role of Sandy originally came from a shelter?

Sunny’s remarkable and breakthrough rescue story became an instant hit in mass media. She was featured in The Today Show, and was also featured in “Annie’s Search for Sandy”, an NBC documentary. In October this year, the musical “Annie” will start some preview performances. By the end of the year 2013, each ticket for the musical that will be sold will give Pedigree the chance to donate $2 to a special fund that will help lost dogs get back home, or at least find a new home that will truly care for them. Indeed, Sunny’s story will be a great example of miracles and second chances in the canine world.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Lyndsey


    Nov 3, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    Good point i agree
    Could not have said it better myself
    Is this the right place to ask a question
    Can i ask a pet question here, i know its probably not the right place
    Does anyone here have a dog
    Does anyone here have a cat

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