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Dog Saves Newborn Baby Abandoned Along Roadside

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Jeffrey Kopp and his Black Lab, Bobby found the hours-old newborn girl beneath this satellite dish during their morning walk. Photo via WoodTV.
Jeffrey Kopp and his Black Lab, Bobby found the hours-old newborn girl beneath this satellite dish during their morning walk. Photo via WoodTV.

A newborn baby girl is alive and in fair condition after she was found abandoned in a patch of weeds along a rural Michigan roadside. The hero responsible for finding the infant – a black Labrador retriever named Bobby.

Jeffrey Kopp said he doesn’t normally walk his dog along this particular street, but Bobby was especially persistent about going in that direction on Tuesday morning.

When Bobby started sniffing around in the weeds below a satellite dish, he discovered the newborn baby, her umbilical cord still attached. The baby was laying on her side in the fetal position, not crying or making any noise.

Kopp then saw the infant move. He yelled for a neighbor to call 911 and called for his wife and daughter to come help. When Kopp’s daughter picked up the infant, she began to cry.

Despite some bruises and scrapes, the baby girl was breathing and conscious when emergency responders arrived. They estimated that she was about 6 hours old when she was found.

Kopp told WoodTV he thinks it was an act of God that brought him and Bobby to the newborn girl.

“I feel that we were led to that place, OK, because it was out of the ordinary for me to come in this direction,” Kopp said. “I tend to think it was God led us this way, that all life is precious to Him.”

The baby’s mother is said to be a young teen that lives nearby. Both mother and baby are hospitalized and in fair condition.



  1. Ann Morgan

    Jul 23, 2016 at 5:24 pm

    God Bless Jeff Kopp and that precious dog, yes indeed as Jeff said, it was God’s Will to rescue that sweet sweet baby…Kudos to both !!! I love happy endings !

  2. Kusankkuku

    Jul 23, 2016 at 3:51 pm

    Before anyone abuses a dog or neglects a dog, take a hard look at this video and read the article. This dog not only saved the baby but possibly the life of this young girl. Without proper medical care they both may have died from secondary issues. God did not put these wonderful caring creatures on this planet with these wonderful gifts without reason think about it. For the naysayers who will look at it from the point of science alone guess again. I have the utmost reference for God as intellectual and factual as I can be. Think about what the word dog spells backwards. I do not compare anything to God as He is all. These wonderful creatures are a gift from God to guard and protect us all. For those who speak of dogs gone bad – man has corrupted those dogs. I hope they give this wonderful pooch a medal and his favorite foods. Woof on pup you and your owner.

  3. Marilyn

    Jul 22, 2016 at 7:24 pm

    Good dawg!!

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