RALPH Speaks

A Dog’s Summer Reading

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A Dog’s Summer Reading

Every summer, I pick out a few books to read and I wanted to report back to you.

First of all, I didn’t like the best selling 50 Shades of Kibble. Reading about some rich dog that liked to beat other dogs? It gave me the willies reading it. I know it’s not classy but if Mr. Kibble tried that on me, I’d take a bite out of him.

The requirements I have for my summer reading are:

It has to be about dogs. Reading about humans just doesn’t turn me on.

Second, it has to give me a good feeling.

Third, it HAS to recognize the truth that 4 legged friends are more loyal and smarter than their 2 legged ones.

So I’m not an easy customer to please.

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=1462400779&Amp;Format= Sl160 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Beachmillions 20Ir?T=Beachmillions 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1462400779I just ordered a new book called Heart to Heart, Hand in Paw: How One Woman Finds Faith and Hope Through the Healing Love of AnimalsIr?T=Beachmillions 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1462400779

So far it looks really good. My dog parent really needs to trim my nails because they scratch the screen on my Kindle.

I’m really happy my dog parent bought me a Kindle but it’s more fun chewing on books.

It’s about learning from animals and I’m all about that.

I’ll be reading it this weekend.

You can pick it up at Amazon and support the Dogington Post by Clicking The Link Here:

I think I’m going to start a petition to have Amazon come out with Bacon flavored books.

What’s YOUR dogs favorite summer reading? Type in your answers below so I can read them too!

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  1. Avatar Of Sandy C.

    Sandy C.


    I really enjoyed Giv: the story of a dog and America. Giv is like the Forrest Gump of dogs. It’s a great read. He travels through the lives of several humans – and is an amazing dog. I loved it! Author: Boston Teran.

  2. Avatar Of Silvia Soos-Kazel



    This Summer enjoyed reading: Following Atticus by Tom Ryan and The Dog That Talked To God~~both books have a main character that is a Mini Schnauzer(my fav). Yes, there are the human characters involved, but I like the hero aspect of the Dog in the stories, evidencing that humans need that loyal dog to make their lives happy and successful~~both books are great and inspiring reads.

  3. Avatar Of Pegi Dahl

    Pegi Dahl


    Unsaid is right up there with Ralph’s favorite, Heart to Heart! Guess I’ll order Until Tuesday next, thanks!

  4. Avatar Of Tammy



    Just finished reading UNSAID by Neil Abramson…. wonderfully powerful and emotional…. also loved UNTIL TUESDAY by Luis Carlos Montalvan….

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