Celebrity Pets

Have Miley Cyrus’s Dogs Taken Over Her Home?

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Last week, Miley Cyrus fans were a bit shocked to see the state of the pop singer/actress’ home when she tweeted the following image, with the caption, “Muahhh!


The starlett has garnered plenty of attention lately. Between sporting a new haircut, getting into a brawl in a Hollywood nightclub, or finding a 40-year-old scissor-wielding stalker hiding in the bushes at her home, there’s no lack of excitement in Miley’s life.

But, the evidence of her pups gone wild caught our attention! Between the shreds of paper, a lone shoe, toys and food bowls scattered about, it’s pretty clear that Miley’s five dogs – Lila, Floyd, Ziggy, Happy and Mary Jane – have taken over.

It’s no secret Miley loves her dogs, and we’re so very pleased with the attention the teen superstar brings to adoption and rescue – but it looks like the pack may need a bit of training!

Do you have any advice for Miley Cyrus and her fiance Liam Hemsworth for keeping a dog-friendly home in tip top shape? Share your tips with us below!

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  1. Avatar Of Antonella



    Estoy mal, o dice que ella es estrella porno??????

  2. Avatar Of Brian Jones Brian Jones says:

    We have 8 rescue dogs who are all family members and live indoors. At the end of the day as long as she is happy, and obviously the dogs are happy, who cares and what the heck has it to do with anyone else.

  3. Five dogs is a lot. How do they all get along? This is important because just adding one cat to my female kitty as a companion took 2-4 months for an adjustment. How much time and effort was spent in acclimating dogs to one another. Maybe to get back and do that, first off, asking for professional advice. Then some of the other comments are good: doggie-proofing the house so that nothing’s dangerous for them, changing the floor–since $$ is not a problem here, etc. Good luck!

  4. first get a trainer and then clean up your house then clean up yourself your supposed to be a role modle for young girls do you want to see them doing what your doing grow up

  5. Avatar Of Andi Lee

    Andi Lee


    A good practice would be for rescure/adoption groups to mandate training before releasing animals into the care of humans. Basic skills should be taught and reviewed periodically.

  6. Avatar Of Andi Lee

    Andi Lee


    Discipline is part of love – for both human and dog. There is absolutely no excuse except that she is a bit immature, obviously, to have 5 dogs! Its a huge responsibility.

  7. Avatar Of Steve



    I’d like to bend her over and show her my doggy style.

  8. Avatar Of Deb



    looks like somebody needs to rescue these dogs from miley, just because you love dogs doesen’t mean you should have them. obviously there is morew to rescuing dogs than just putting a roof over thier heads!

  9. Avatar Of Kim



    Hire a maid. You can afford it.

    I sure as heck would.

  10. Avatar Of Tracey



    I have 6 dogs – I run the vacuum daily but the entire downstairs is tiled. I also have daily routines set up starting when we get up. They get some toys but one chewed or drug outside they are thrown away or put in their Toy Bucket outside. No more buying toys with stuffing….same with doggie beds. I have dog crates which they love and they all have their own blankets. I clean their crates weekly and wash their blankets weekly. I have a pretty cool pack –

  11. Avatar Of Rj Ryen

    Rj Ryen


    Make three braided fleece toys, and not only are they indestructable, but they clean the dogs teeth. Dogs like to chew, and they can play tug of war with these toys. I also like healthy chew bones(not any from China please!!) made in USA only, and they will have hours of bliss chewing, and working on it. They also need plenty of excercise, so take them on long walks & get them tuckered out! No time to do that, hire a dog walker!! Make your own good luck, and follow these tips:)

  12. Avatar Of Kimberly Blair

    Kimberly Blair


    I also have 5 rescue dogs, it is a challenge to keep up daily but I found after spaying and neutering they were more trainable and all are in the house and dont chew on anything but their toys so try that and then some training for them make sure their toys are available to them make sure they have a variety.

  13. Avatar Of Mzellie;)))



    Daily cleaning nd daily walking nd Daily attention are required

  14. Avatar Of Debbie Anderson

    Debbie Anderson


    she has enough money to get a maid to clean up–or just keep on top of everything daily–I have 2 Akita’s Harley N Roxie and there hair is everywhere so I have tumble weeds with in a day–swiffer is awesome

  15. Avatar Of Carol



    The first thing I’d do is tear out all that carpet and install some dog-friendly hard surface flooring in there.

    Next thing is everybody goes to obedience school! Including the humans. The people, who should be the pack leaders, have to be on the same page as the dogs. Everyone needs to be consistent, and everyone needs to know what to expect.

    After getting rid of the carpet, I’d get down on my hands and knees, and look at everything in the house from a dog’s point of view. What looks attractively chewable? What looks dangerous?

    And I’d install some kind of shoe cabinet in there, and use it. Also, cover all wastebaskets and trash cans.

    Or pay the price in a mess!

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