Dogs & Laws

Healthy Guide Dog Euthanized So He Could Be Buried With Deceased Owner

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When Shelia Stadler, 68, from Terre Haute, Indiana died of cancer last month, her devoted guide dog, Toffee, was by her side, just as he always was.

But, Shelia’s last dying wish was one that strikes anger and sadness in many dog lovers around the world. She wanted to be buried alongside her seeing-eye dog, a healthy, 5-year old Labrador Retriever.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Andrew Stadler carried out his mother’s final dying wish a few days after her death, when Toffee had shown signs of mourning and ‘wandered aimlessly’ in the days after Mrs. Stadler died.

Andrew, had Toffee euthanized and placed inside the coffin next to his owner and companion. Both were visible during the funeral viewing. The pair were buried together at the DeBaun Funeral Home in Indiana. The devoted dog was even mentioned in Mrs. Stadler’s obituary:

Shelia Stadler, 68, had a last dying wish to be buried with her 5-year old guide dog, Toffee. In a controversial decision by her son, Toffee was euthanized and buried alongside Shelia.

She was a committed Christian, enjoying camp meetings and singing and playing for church services. Her favorite book was the Bible which she faithfully read for many years. The last few years she listened to it on audio tapes, but still carried that wonderful book with her as a comfort during her last days. She loved Toffee, her seeing-eye dog and constant companion for five years.

Andrew Stadler is now paying the price for his controversial decision to fulfill his mother’s wish and euthanize the perfectly healthy, young guide dog, whose services are desperately needed with other disabled or blind individuals. He is receiving death threats, public outrage, and even anger from his own family members for the decision.

While it would be difficult to find a veterinarian to carry out euthanasia on a perfectly healthy dog, Andrew’s decision was well within the law. In Indiana, and most other states in the US, dogs are considered property and the owner has a right to euthanize for any reason.

Weigh in with your thoughts on this controversial story: Do you believe Andrew was wrong to carry out his mother’s dying wish? Do you believe that Toffee should have been kept alive and given to another family in need of his services?

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  1. Avatar Of Lezle



    People must think they are super special if they believe that their pet will not adapt after the special life they gave their pet….children get raped and placed in facilities and end up bei ng happy why not give your pet (at least) a fair chance in a shelter before euthanasia? (That would be it’s fate then in any case) I’ll tell you why…because people think they (themselves) are so special that no one else will do a better job of it. To the point that they can justify taking life from beloved companions. I am by no means a crazy animal lady, but have a heart…my heart says – give the pet a chance…it might end up happier than what it was to start with or else….it might be euthanized, but not because of selfish arrogant reasons.

  2. It is hard to understand no matter if it was her dying wish, how or why this trained, perfectly healthy dog was not given a second chance to do for someone else what was done for his mother. Very sad and in my opinion, inexcusable.

  3. Avatar Of Anne



    personally, I could not have done that and would have tried to talk her out of that decision. I would have told her it would not be done. I would have retired the dog with another family member or animal lover. and reassured her that the dog would be in loving hands for the rest of its life.

  4. Avatar Of Bward



    While this woman obviously loved her dog very much, she was selfish in her request. The dog was relatively young and could have gone to another family that needed her. The family should have had enough common sense to disregard this now dead woman’s request.

  5. Avatar Of Sherkana



    It is very lucky that this evil woman is dead. Otherwise I’d be sending hate mail to her and her family. There are some sickos in this world. Thank god one is dead.

  6. Avatar Of Foxychoplins FoxyChoplins says:

    For those people that solely base their opinions on the fact it was a guide dog, I can understand how you might feel it’s talents had gone to waste.
    As for the rest of you……
    Pet owners are dying everyday. Not everyone has family, friends, or a trust account set up to care for their pet when they meet their demise.
    Do you feel all THOSE animals should be made to suffer, put in a shelter as they grieve the death of their owners?
    It happens everyday.
    Are you doing your part to find good homes for all the unwanted dogs and cats in this world?
    People who breed animals need to take into consideration that shelters are where many end up.
    Isn’t it kinder to euthanize?
    A dog is an animal, like a pig or a horse or a cow. Yet you in humanely slaughter pigs and cows everyday.
    The bottom line is this…….
    Until you have walked in their shoes,
    Who are you to judge?
    You don’t the circumstances.
    Keep your hateful opinions to yourself.
    ( Just like your Mother taught you to do.)

  7. Avatar Of Smt



    Seriously??? If a nut has a nutty last wish then the relatives should not honor them if it involves taking the life of an innocent animal. Especially one that could easily bond with another handicapped person and be of service to humanity. How very selfish of this woman. My neighbor, who happens to be a good friend, wants to do this with her dog. I think she’s a selfish nut and her relatives have no intention of carrying that out because of so many logical reasons. Anyone who thinks that they are any animal’s last hope thinks way too much of his or her self. And if there’s an afterlife, it’ll be in hell anyways. With the same dog they doomed to be with them for eternity

  8. Avatar Of Kalar Walters

    Kalar Walters


    Christian? I hardly think so. She would not have made such a request. The dog could go on to help others. She was completely and utterly selfish.

  9. Avatar Of Evie



    That was a sick and selfish request on the dog owners part. What an absurd idea. Can’t believe it was carried out.

  10. Avatar Of Barbara



    I’m sure after realizing no one would keep
    Her dog in the family and not sure it would go to a good home she made that choice. And it’s very hard to not adhere to someone’s dying wish. To be in that much pain if losing your mother and watching her dog become depressed forced him to follow thru. His grief may have clouded his judgement but I’m sure he did the best her could under the circumstances. To say mean hateful things about them when you don’t know any thing about them makes you just as bad. For everyone that made “arrangements” for their pets, you can only HOPE people follow thru when you’re gone and they don’t have to face you.

    • Avatar Of Kalar Walters

      Kalar Walters


      A valuable guide dog like that is never given to anyone ‘questionable.’ The dog could have served someone else. Also, many times, ex-guide dogs are used in training other guide dogs. This dog would not have gone to a bad home…period. This was a selfish act. mho

  11. Avatar Of Bill Roach

    Bill Roach


    I see a LOT wrong with this whole mess. First of all – this woman was OBVIOUSLY not in her “sound mind” when she made that request. How would YOU like it, if you received a phone call that informed you that you were going to be taken forcibly from your home and given a lethal injection because “Your mommy just died – and she loved you so very, very much – that she wanted to be buried with you, so you have to die now”. How psycho and deranged is that? This old harpy was a total flake – and I am sure that Jesus probably would not approve. Personally – if my mother wanted to have ME bumped off because “she loved me oh so much”, I’d take a pass on leaving that vase of roses by her tombstone. Andy committed murder for mommy dearest.

    Interesting side note…She looked a lot like that dude that played the “Green Goblin” on the Spiderman Movies from a few years past…CREEPY!!!

  12. Avatar Of Sue



    First, I question the woman’s Christian lifestyle by wanting her dog killed.
    Secondly, I don’t think service dogs should be sent to another person to work for them. I think they should be kept with a family member or trusted friend, someone they know, to live a well deserved retirement to enjoy being a dog.

    • Avatar Of Kalar Walters

      Kalar Walters


      The dog was only 5 years old and in perfect health. It could have been returned to a guide dog training facility. Many “pre-used” dogs can be used to help train other guide dogs. After a time, the dog would have been perfectly capable of being another person’s guide dog.

  13. Avatar Of Sandy



    When I was hospitalized with a possible life-threatening illness years ago, I wanted my Norwegian elkhound, Heidi, euthanized and placed in my coffin. In fact, this got through my stay, knowing she would be with me. OTOH, when one of my goldens died unexpectedly, his best friend, B.J.s, a cat, mourned himself to death. It was heartbreaking to watch him walk from room to room, looking for Taz. He even stood in the living room and sniffed the air. He was given extra attention but nothing worked. This healthy cat made his journey to the Bridge 15 days later. Funny thing was Taz Duh Golden had been afraid of B.J.s for 10 yrs, ever since B.J.s bopped him on the nose when they were both 14 weeks old…and he was a polydactyl cat, to boot! Taz tried to escape from him but this didn’t stop this determined cat from rubbing against him and sleeping right next to him every night!

    So to answer your question, I see nothing wrong with what was done. If they were close, and I imagine they were, the Lab could have spent the rest of his life looking for his him. We can’t judge, answering through our emotions. What is best for the dog is the main thing.

  14. Avatar Of Hardrock Hardrock says:

    To those that say by reason of ownership of the dog it is well within the son’s right as well as duty to bury the dog with his mother as it was her dying wish.
    It also raises the question what if the mother’s dying wish had been to bury all her jewelry, coin collections and cash with her?
    Would the son then respect her dying wish?

  15. Avatar Of Michaelb Michaelb says:

    Still looking for the ethically bankrupt vet that killed the dog

  16. I think the woman who made such wishes was selfish to deny her dog life just because she was going to die. Her relative who arranged the dog’s death is a vile human being. People belong to the earth. The earth does not belong to the people.

  17. Avatar Of Randy Goertzen

    Randy Goertzen


    Selfish Bitch !! Euthanize whom ever put that poor dog down !!!!!

  18. Avatar Of Patricia Cook

    Patricia Cook


    People are so worried about a dog being euthanized. What about the hundreds of thousands of babies euthanized without seeing the light of day! Abortion! People we have our priorities all wrong! Use your energy and resources to save innocent children!

  19. Avatar Of Birgit Worman

    Birgit Worman


    I have a pretty severe illness myself that could turn terminal very quickly. My whole focus has been on making sure that my animals will have a loving & kind home for whatever life they will have. I feel it is selfish on her part to do that to a healthy, young dog with such special skills. It is also very selfish to put this awful responsibility on her son. It just seems wrong to do this.

  20. Avatar Of Jennifer



    Seriously! What is wrong with you people??! Leave the poor man alone. He made his decision and its not for any of us to judge him. Those of you self-proclaimed Christians, well how about this one for ya: “he who is without sin cast the first stone”. I see an awful lot of people on here casting stones left and right. I bet not ONE of you is PERFECT! Whether it was right or wrong is not our decision. He made his decision and will have to live with it. But how dare you people sit in judgement over him. I bet many of you have made stupid mistakes in your life. How many would like their noses rubbed in them as your doing to this person?

    • Avatar Of Gill



      Gill – there are stupid mistakes and stupid mistakes, I don’t think euthanizing a healthy dog comes into this. It’s a sick scenario, I hope the son thinks on this for the rest of his life. Sick man. Perhaps the son will leave a bequest to have someone he loves to be euthanized when he dies. Sick!!!

    • Avatar Of Sandy



      Jennifer….thank you for such an eloquent post. I don’t know why, but it seems those who are professed to be “Christians” are the ones who severely judge people. Obviously, those being so judgemental have never had a dog or cat mourn themselves to death. It is awful! And, there is NOTHING you can do! Obviously, the vet knew of the relationship between owner and dog.

      It is totally disgusting to read some of these comments. To the vast majority of those posting here…I hope that when your time comes, people won’t judge you have judged and sentenced this woman!

      I have a question..Was anyone of you with Toffee while Sheila was in the hospital? How did the dog act? You don’t know, do you. You are only going on your emotions. Guide dogs and service dogs bond with their person in a different way than most of our dogs bond with us. WE take care of THEM, don’t we. We are their eyes and ears when we are outside so they don’t run into the road. Guide dogs take care of their person. In many ways THEY are their person’s eyes and ears which makes this not only an emotional bond, but a working bond as well.

  21. Avatar Of Gmonk



    I’m thinking that she didn’t mean right at that time. I think she meant when the dog was old and sick. This makes me sick to my stomach.

  22. Avatar Of J Blevins

    J Blevins


    what a idiot this was who killed a dog. the dog could have been buried at the end of his natural life alongside the person he cared for, this was just murder.

  23. My condolences to the loss of someones mother or family member. But to euthenize a healthy dog is selfish and irresponsible. I have Dogs and I train dogs professionally. My Dogs will adapt and live a fulfilled life without me. Taking care of that legally is important and necessary to make sure your dogs are provided for after ones death is called responsible. How dare anyone “kill” a Dog and a guide Dog that is providing a great service. Dogs love life and thrive with a job. This dog would have done well and adjusted quickly by working and being loved by another. I find this such a disppointing feature of a human being selfish. The son should be ashamed of himself.

    • Avatar Of Kalar Walters

      Kalar Walters


      I tend to agree with you. The dog could have helped someone else or be returned to a guide dog school where they use experienced guide dogs to train other guide dogs.

      An animal ‘mourning itself to death’ is a rare event. With loving attention and a job to do, this dog would have most likely bounced back.

      My humble opinion.

  24. Avatar Of Amylynn



    Although I am a big proponent of fulfilling a dying person’s wishes, this one really tears me up. As the article mentions, the dog could have spent many more years assisting another blind person. But, I don’t fault the son for doing what his mother asked.

  25. Avatar Of Drsupriyashukla



    Dogs like human beings should get a second chance with a second master.euthanasia is only for very crippled or an animal in chronic pain.such a decision is just misuse of being an owner.

  26. Avatar Of Cassie



    we actually had this happen at our clinic..the owner was in the hospital dying and the person handling his estate brought in the dog it was a beautiful 6 year old we performed the euthanasia the dog closed its eyes which rarely happens as if she knew..the owner passed away a hour was so sad:(

  27. Avatar Of Jessica Jessica says:

    I feel for her son,but I would never have agreed to that. The dog could have went to someone who really needed it. Selfish Lady and she was suppose to love god ?
    How could she be so cruel.

  28. Avatar Of Kk



    I think that what some are failing to understand that this lil doggie, was starting to show signs of heartbreak. You know some animals die from a broken heart and this could very well have been the case. Meaning he may never been able to help another person in need. Maybe he would have recovered? I don’t know. Another thing is, there are plenty of dogs available to be trained to be a guide. They are put to sleep every day! It is sad, yes, but, a wish is a wish and who are we to judge her or him?

    • Avatar Of Yasmina



      That’s repulsive. Shame on you. Really. I hope this women is in hell where she belongs. What makes people think that they can decide when it’s time to extinquish a life.
      Revolting. Thank god she’s no longer here to ask for other lives to take with her. DISGUSTING.

      It’s not about judging, it’s about killing for one’s own selfish gratification and the son’s convenient disposal of an animal he didn’t want to take care of. It’s about egotistical, self-serving, people.
      To believe this is okay is a sad statement on how we, as a society, have failed to properly educate people. It’s ignorant at best, sadistic at it’s worst.

      Outraged someone would post this. There is NO justification for killing this dog. NONE. Karma is b*tch as they say.

  29. Avatar Of Cherie



    It breaks my heart, especially since the dog was still so young. It does make me wonder, though, if the dog would have adapted to another charge. Just watched the movie “Quill” about a guide dog yesterday, and the dog wound up staying at the learning center for quite a few years after the death of his person, but ultimately went to his puppy handlers for the last year of his life. I wonder why he never wound up with another special-needs person in the interim.

  30. Avatar Of O. Langford

    O. Langford


    Pathetic human beings. Just because she died doesn’t mean she has the right to ask for the death of another living being. Maybe she should have asked for her son to be buried with her to. Revolting.

  31. Avatar Of Beth



    What if she asked for a child or grandchild? Would he have still honored his mother’s wishes. I cannot believe a vet would even do this. The vet should have his license taken away from him.

  32. That is just wrong!

  33. Avatar Of Savannah



    I once had told my family that if I should have died before my beloved Shih Tzu of at the time was 12 years old, that I would have wanted him to be buried with me. However, I thought how cruel that would have been and how selfish on my behalf to even ask such a thing. So I went and had a Last Will and Testament made and a had left a trust fund for my beloved Shih Tzu, for his care and to maintain anything that he may have needed until he passed away on his own and then after passing of natural causes, I request that he be buried beside of me and if not allowed then, I asked for him to be cremated and his ashes to be spread on my grave. I am not taking sides for anyone here, I am only saying that perhaps this person was not in their right frame of mind when they made such a request and if they were, then yes, I think this was cruel and selfish on her behalf. There are many animals that mourn after their owner passes, just like we mourn when we lose our beloved pets, but life does go on, and hopefully, we become stronger in time. I know it is hard to be able to tell this to a pet that is mourning their owner, but everyone needs to keep in mind, that when this lady made this request, she could not have been in her right frame of mind, because anyone that is, would have never made such a request.

  34. Avatar Of Paula



    How would the sone like if his mother ‘s last wish was to have HIM by her side at her death? I don’t think he would care to be euthanized!

  35. Avatar Of Jill Nieglos jill nieglos says:

    I have raised 16 guide dog puppies. If someone was so selfish as to kill one of my puppies I would be beyond infuriated. She was wrong wrong wrong. Her son was just as wrong. The vet who did it was very wrong. This is heartbreaking. Jill Nieglos

  36. Avatar Of Alissa



    So that’s how a good Christian behaves? When I die, kill my dog because I am so selfish I must have it with me. I think your God is against murder you stupid woman! I guess she loved to read her Bible but not live by it, typical of most religious people.
    Poor dog, how very sad a life had to die because of yet another selfish/ignorant owner.

  37. Avatar Of S.r.



    For all those people who think it’s disgusting and wrong; HOW many dogs and cats have YOU adopted to care for from deceased pet owners???? Oh, NONE…instead they die by the thousands in fear and agonizing death by gas or electrocution in animal shelters!

    That said, this dog being a trained service dog was much more likely to find a home with someone who needs a service dog. But, sadly for those who don’t have family members who will love and care for left behind pets, it’s a tragic journey of abandonment, loneliness and fear in a cold confining cage, and a death that is not as gentle and humane as euthanasia by a vet.

  38. Avatar Of Beth



    Disgusting and selfish on both of their parts. Her dog was a good and loyal companion and she has him killed for her own selfish whim. And the son, disgusting agrees and does it.

    This “Christian” woman is NOT in heaven, but her dog is. So much for spending eternity together.

  39. Avatar Of Steve



    So this is how you reward a dog’s loyalty, by killing him to be by the side of your dead mother? And this is the thanks the dying woman has in her heart, to kill her own loyal companion, so he can be with her corpse in the ground? They both pos’s, in my opinion. And the law allowing euthanasia for any reason, should be changed.

  40. Avatar Of Christine



    I am a Christian too but i would never, ever ask my children to euthanize the dogs i love so much to be my side. I told my daughter that when the time comes and i die ahead of my dogs, they should take care of them with the same love and care i have given them all my life… and when their turn comes to die, to cremate them too and put their ashes along with mine… but they should not be killed so just that they can be with me!!! What a heartless, self-absorbed woman she was! Shame on her son to kill a perfectly healthy dog who did nothing but serve her until she died!

  41. Avatar Of Frankie Michelle Dennison

    frankie michelle dennison


    I understand the mother’s wishes of wanting to have her companion even through death- but it was incredibly shelfish for two reasons. One – this dog could have given healing love to another sick individual, and two – the dog was young and healthy. The son should have recognized there was greater good in keeping the dog alive. After all- we will all be reunited with our loved ones (human and furry) on the rainbow bridge in due time to spend eternity together.

  42. Avatar Of Anna Byars

    Anna Byars


    This was selfish & inhumane. The woman was a Christian? Why didn’t she arrange to let this wonderful service dog, be of service to another person. I love my dog and want his ashes with me when I die, but I don’t want him killed if I die first.

  43. Avatar Of Jette Henriksen

    Jette Henriksen


    I am very sad to learn that this wonderful dog was put down to follow the person in death, whom he had helped so loyally.
    It is a very selfish, bad and evil act to kill a perfectly well behaving, healthy and intelligent dog for such reason. This dog could have lived life to its full and at the same time could have become the perfect companion for another person in need and might very well have found joy in life and cheered up in the company of a new human being by its side.
    I cannot believe that anyone would take this wonderful dog’s life away instead of helping the dog get over the sadness and let it live.
    We all grieve when loosing our life companions, dogs like other humans and other kinds of animals too. But this is not a reason to kill us to have to follow the dead companion.
    How could you do this?
    It is a very very bad decision you made and you cannot change this kind of decision even if you might become wiser later in your life, which I surely hope you do.

  44. A heartbreaking story. I absolutely adore all 3 of my dogs. If I died before any of them I certainly would not want them to be killed. Dogs live such short lives as it is. I worry about who and or what would happen to them if I were to die first.To kill a dog that was young to be buried by mom is a tragedy and not much value of the dog did either the mom or son seem to have for the dog. Service dogs are expensive and they do so much for those that can not help themselves. A lot of work goes into these wonderful dogs. Other arrangements should have been made. The mother was dead. Now both are. So sad.

  45. Avatar Of Jo Moore

    jo moore


    I feel for you Andrew, you only followed you mothers wishes, However in hindsight, it was probably the wrong decision. Being an animal lover and knowing how animals react when they lose their loved one, be it animal or human, Toffee would have got over her passing in time, with lots of TLC, and maybe even got a new family. I personally woud have kept Toffee and when he passed i would have buried the ashes with her. What is done is done, and we cannot go back. Everyone should back off now, i think enough has been said. Let it go, they are both together now.
    Good Luck Andrew x

  46. Avatar Of Rose



    It does not say if she had a will. If she did and stated in her will the son had no choice as a will is binding in the courts..It is a hard thing for all of us to swallow after all this was her dog and was afraid how the dog would be with her gone. It is easy to pass judgement on someone else..

    • Avatar Of Collielvr55



      Total nonsense Rose. The dog was a living being , she was a selfish unthinking person. She had no right to make such a request, and the son wrong to honor it. The woman was already dead, she would have never known the dog was not with her. He could have let it live its life and honored her request after the dog died a natural death.

  47. Avatar Of Cheri Hoffer Cheri Hoffer says:

    What an unnecessary tragedy. This woman will be dead forever, at least in that body, no matter your beliefs. The dog could have served others and been loved for many years, then buried with her just as she wished, after dying of natural causes. I can’t fathom a vet having been willing to carry this out. And I can’t fathom how she justified the need if she really read and took to heart her supposedly beloved Bible. Christianity teaches selfless acts and kindness, no matter how much that gets horribly twisted in this world.

  48. Avatar Of Jay Palazzo

    Jay Palazzo


    I understand where this lady was coming from, as I, too, want one of my cats that stayed by my side when I had to have a hospital bed in the living room going through bone tumor surgery. HOWEVER, Unfortunately, my Cat passed away (of NATURAL CAUSES)…He’s been on ice since as it’s my wish for him to be put in with me. But had the tables been turned and he outlived me, then I would’ve hoped that someone in my family would’ve taken care of him until “his time” and then had him cremated and sprinkled his ashes over my plot. Putting an animal down for “convenience sake” was a poor judgment call. The dog, I AM CERTAIN would’ve grieved for a period, but my service dog is steadfast and resilient. I’d never dream of killing him so we can look “pretty in the box” together. 🙁

  49. Avatar Of Dan Jordan

    Dan Jordan


    I personally think that everyone is be selfish. What about a dog with a broken heart. Would it have been better to let the dog go through numerous day of heart break and worry itself sick not knowing what happened to the woman it was so devoted to and loved.
    It seems to the son, who no doubt was very grateful for the service dog gave his mother and most likely loved the dog as did his mother. There are few things as sad as seeing a dog heartsick for it master.

    • Avatar Of Collielvr55



      The dog would have grieved for a time , that is normal when you lose someone you love. But He would have gone on to guide other sightless people and given them a reason to hope and live , just as he gave hope to the woman who sentenced him to death.

  50. Avatar Of Collielvr55



    This is too sad for words. I can understand the woman’s thinking , but not the son’s. What on earth would have made him think that it was ok to take the life of this poor animal? The dog lived to serve this woman and made her life bearable and for this he got a death sentence? Why, why , why wouldnt you just let the dog live and bury it next to her when it died a natural death? For christ sake the poor baby was only 5 years old! He probably had another 9 to 10 years left to live. To me it seems the son just didnt want responsibility of the dog,or even the responsibilty of finding it a new place to go. What kind of Vet would ever agree to killing this wonderful animal in the prime of its life?
    The past year I have been having my own health issues and faced my own mortality several times, it as been very scary. I have a beautiful 4 year old rough coated collie that has been by my side constantly and I love him with all of my heart. Never once have I thought if I should die I want him to die with me! I know he will miss me and grieve but he will move on and be happy again , there are other people in his life that will be here for him. My last wishes are to be cremated , I would like for him to live his life and then eventually when he dies he can come be with me again . What the son did was wrong , what the Vet did was even more wrong!

  51. Avatar Of Judy



    I do not agree with having the poor dog put down. He could have been there for someone else & lived many more years! How sad to have seen this,my heart is broken! I would imagine the son thought he was doing the right thing for his mom but…… He has to live with this decision for the rest of his life.

  52. Avatar Of Sharon Wright

    sharon wright


    no he did what was right.that what i want done ,and my family know it know one will take care and love him like i do ,were ever i go he goes and we willalways be together,so son just hang in there ,god knows your heart and he god know u did what momwant .so u just forget what all thease people say,god love u and u did what was right.your mom and her love is walking the streeta of gold.
    your friend in ohio

    • When you die would you like your children to follow you to your grave? Killing a healthy dog just because the owner died is senseless and horrible tragedy. `What are you thinking? My dogs are my soul, life and heart. Dogs live such a short time as it is. Let them live their life and be happy.

    • Avatar Of Noya



      Someone needs to take your pets away from you now, then. You don’t deserve to have them.

  53. Avatar Of Kjay



    Simply selfish..

  54. Avatar Of Judy Goodman

    Judy Goodman


    My thoughts are: that someone should have ( if they didn’t ) talked to her about this choice that she was going to have done. I understand this dog being her companion and helper, but when she passed, it should have stopped there. There are so many people that he could have been a helper and companion to after her death. I could understand this request being full filled when the dog dies naturally.Then he could have been buried beside her or something to that degree. If that had been my mother and this was her request, I would not have honored her request. There was no reason to kill this dog, I believe it was selfish on her part, and It saddens me that the son carried out her request

  55. Avatar Of Devon Mckenna

    Devon McKenna


    Totally selfish and sickening..I hate to speak ill of the dead and if her time was over and her wish that the poor dog was to be euthanized too..well she was a sick woman and not just with cancer…I love my mother but if she told me her wish was to kill a healthy living creature..I would say NO…they both (son and mother) sick and selfish people…did this guy REALLY think this would be accepted?….

  56. Avatar Of Carla Hathaway

    Carla Hathaway


    I believe there should be laws that make this illegal. No dog should die because the owner died. This is heartbreaking for me and I do not understand why if you loved your pet, service dog or not would you kill your pet? Change this make it a law. She could have asked that who ever adopted this dog return the ashes to her grave site when the dog naturally died. This was a senseless act. Anyone who has ever read the “Rainbow Bridge” knows that they will meet later anyway. We must make laws that stop this!

  57. Avatar Of Johanne



    I don’t agree with euthanising a perfectly healthy animal (or person). However, no matter how wrong we feel the woman’s request was, it was indeed part of her last wishes. If the son didn’t do as she asked, he would have to live with the loss of his mom and not honnoring her last wishes. It may not be the same but, how many times does someone’s last will anger, hurt or disguss their family members when the will is read? Does that mean that it should be alright for relatives to change things in one’s will because they don’t agree with it? The son is not the one to blame in all this is all I’m saying. I hope people let him be so that he may grieve in peace and remember his mother’s good sides rather than have his memories tainted by hatred for what she had him do!

    • Avatar Of Uschi Yogendra

      Uschi Yogendra


      There is no excuse for what he did! He did not have to follow through. Maybe she was not in her right mind because of her pain and meds, so the son should have been the responsible one.

  58. Avatar Of Kathleen



    NO NO NO – this should be written into all adoption contracts for every rescue and/or service group. Neither dogs nor children can be killed just to be buried with dead parents!

  59. Avatar Of Donna Hamilton

    Donna Hamilton


    If he had thought it out, maybe he could have given the dog to seeing eye orginization in his area, with the agreement that when the dog does die, he goes back to the original owner, to be buried next to her.

  60. Avatar Of Dana Capirchio

    Dana Capirchio


    I think this is totally unethical and the vet who did it should have his license revoked

  61. Avatar Of Lisa Purdy

    Lisa Purdy


    The dog would have missed and mourned his mom but true love does not require the sacrifice of an animal. This breaks my heart. The dog deserved more love and thought than was put into this act. The dog could have helped another person out and carried on in loving memory of his/her deceased owner. So should children be euthanized for they mourn the passing of their parents? I know an extreme thought but seriously. Dogs and all animals have souls in my opinion. This was wrong to do and wrong to have been allowed.

  62. Avatar Of Katy



    A service dog should have come from an organization. So the dog should have been returned to them so that he could help another person in need. I’m sure he didn’t even contact the organization. This is just horrible.

  63. Avatar Of Ginney




  64. Avatar Of Jo Dee

    Jo Dee


    Just makes me want to cry for Toffee. He could of had a great life in his line of therpy and then been laid to rest beside her. Selflessness. I have alot of dogs and cats and horses and want all of them to go to a good home if and when I die.

  65. Avatar Of Kim



    Took me awhile to come upon the comments about her mental clarity! Glad I did…. What we all need to remember when going through anyone’s death that we are close to is that many people if not all are not thinking clearly at the end. Listen to what people say, comfort them etc., but you cannot simply comply to something because it is their “last wish”! Horrible situation

  66. Avatar Of Molly



    How stupid can anyone be. Buried alongside does not necessarily mean at the same time!!!!!!!!Did anyone think that she would have wanted him to live a long and happy life, doing his golden, needed talent. AND THEN BE BURIED NEXT TO HIS FIST PARTNER.
    I truly find this to be appalling…..and to think no one asked her to be more specific at the time of the will. This is closer to cruelty than any legal maneuvering I have ever heard of. What happened to her Bible, and the “thou shalt not kill”
    there are no words to describe my horror and contempt for those involved !!!!!
    May God have mercy on you.

  67. Avatar Of Christine Livingston

    Christine Livingston


    I think it was a selfish thing to do. The dog could have adapted to a new owner with love and helped someone else to live a fuller life. What a way to repay a loyal friend.

  68. Avatar Of Kathy Blackwelder

    Kathy Blackwelder


    Ms. Stadler obviously loved her dog. The article says that she was a committed Christian, so she is with the Lord. Something just wasn’t working in her mind to ask for such a thing. She could have had the dogs ashes put with her after the dog lived a long life, helping someone else. As far as honoring her wishes, I hope her son wasn’t thinking clearly either……legal or not, that’s wrong. But nowadays there doesn’t seem to be any right or wrong. In that state, did he have to, by law, carry out the wishes? All that said, anyone sending him death wishes is more wrong. Ms. Stadler should have made arrangements to place her dog in someone’s loving care. If she made arrangements to do this horrible thing, she could have done that. It is a very sick thing to even think about – let alone do it.

  69. Avatar Of Donelle Dewitt

    Donelle DeWitt


    I can’t even bear the thought of this. I have sometimes felt that I would no longer want to live when any of my beloved dogs passes. At least if I chose to join them, it would be MY choice on MY behalf and not the cruel waste of an innocent, loving creature.

  70. Avatar Of Jennifer Akes

    Jennifer Akes


    Cancer has a nasty way of stealing reason from our thinking and mourning is also a very hard thing to face. I understand him wanting to honor her dying wish, my father had a few of those himself when he passed. But I took his request under advisement and tried my best to honor them. But some were more difficult to honor in a timely fashion. His beloved Casey will be joining him when her time here is done, but not before then. He was cremated after losing his battle with pancreatic cancer and when her time is done on this planet she will be cremated as well and her and his ashes will be laid to rest together. I know many people feel it is just a dog, but to him at least Casey was his canine soulmate. They were inseparable and upon his death she mourned no differently than I did. Her presence actually kept me going and gave me a reason to climb out of bed on those days I didn’t want to deal with any more death or arrangements. But that is just my personal opinion so take it for what it is worth.

  71. Avatar Of Chuck Pearle

    Chuck Pearle


    Maybe She loved the dog even more than her son. He made a bad decision to comply with her wishes. A 5 yr old dog that helps people see is needed by many other people. The dog would have loved his next owner, too. The dead woman would never have known……………The son had issues with the dog, or is a dog killer.

  72. Avatar Of Sue



    Maybe it was LEGAL but it was not ethical or moral. Young dog-healthy dog. Just so wrong! And a respectable vet would have refused. This woman was selfish! Poor dog. This dog could have lived a long and healthy life,helping someone else. This just sickens me so much. I don’t even know how to process this.

  73. Avatar Of Wendy



    OF COURSE HE IS WRONG…who gives his mother or the son a wife to take a precious life. I hope he regrets his careless decision.

  74. Avatar Of Gatsby



    Disgusted. No reason to do this to another living thing. Shame on the woman and her son.

  75. I think there is a way to respectfully disagree with this mother and son, first of all, without the “hate talk”! And, it is true that guide dogs are expensive and in great demand. Think how joyful that dog would have been to have been placed with a child! Yes, this was a selfish desire from the woman that died, and next lifetime for her, she will have to start atoning for that!

    • Avatar Of Ari



      It’s not hate talk. It’s low tolerance for stupidity.

      • Avatar Of Birgit Worman

        Birgit Worman


        But why does there have to be hate talk against a segment of the people in Indianna who have nothing to do with it ? (Donna’s comments)

    • Avatar Of Beth



      It is not “talk hate” they are justified opinions on the subject. Just because someone is disgusted and outraged, doesn’t mean it is hate talk. Unlawful killing doesn’t get someone a ticket into heaven, it does get you a ticket to hell though.

  76. Avatar Of Donna



    Then again what should one expect from the inbred hillbillies of good ole southern Indiana!

    WOW….Totally uncalled for………

    • Avatar Of Birgit Worman

      Birgit Worman


      Way to go Donna let’s demonize a whole segment of people who live in Indianna.I Agree that this was totally wrong to kill this great dog, but why do you need to name call & throw slurs at people who have nothing to do with this ?

  77. Avatar Of Donna



    Well we wouldn’t euthanize a human companion so how is killing a healthy dog ok? Shame on the veterinarian that performed it!

  78. Avatar Of Rosa Stevens

    Rosa Stevens


    I agree that should not have happened to the dog. My comment go to Jim Talbot. I don’t know where you are from but I am a HILLBILLY AND PROUD OF IT and I’m NOT inbred and even we HILLBILLIES would NOT do that.

  79. That’s horrible and cruel! It should never have been permitted!

  80. Avatar Of Diana



    The son is absolutely DUMB! and selfish. How could he take the poor dog’s life after all the service he provided? I am so angry. Did he think his mom is a Queen of Egypt or something? SHE IS DEAD!!

  81. Avatar Of Kathy Shadduck

    Kathy Shadduck


    I can’t believe anyone would let this happen. It is so sad . You would think the vet would have advised her into not letting this happen. That dog could have helped and loved other people…….

  82. Avatar Of Kim



    One glaring correction needs to be made to this story. This woman did NOT love her dog. She considered her dog her prepoerty which is the only way she could have made such a selfish decision. I’m completely disgusted by humanity on a daily basis, and this woman was the bottom of the barrel.

  83. Avatar Of Jim Talbot

    Jim Talbot


    That’s just sick! Murdering a dog so the owners last wishes could be carried out! the son out to be locked up for animal cruelty! I can understand burying the dog with its owner, at least wait till the dog dies of old age!!! Then again what should one expect from the inbred hillbillies of good ole southern Indiana!

  84. Avatar Of Adrienne



    I feel sad for all involved. My only thought is that the woman may have been so afraid of death that she felt she needed her furry companion by her side. That said, if she was the devoted Christian that the obit said she should have known there is no fear in death. Sorry for the son who not only lost his mother but now is the recipient of so much hate.

  85. Avatar Of Vivien Lee vivien lee says:

    Toffee should have not been euthanized, instead he could have given his services to other disabled person. i think it was a selfish wish. may their souls rest in peace.

  86. Avatar Of Penny Stoehr

    Penny Stoehr


    This woman couldn’t have “LOVED” Toffee. This was just not right.

  87. Avatar Of Brenda



    Would not the “More Christian” thing to do be to ALLOW LIFE…and for Toffee to have been able to HELP others ??
    SORRY– I see THIS act of MURDER as a hugely SELFISH Act. I realize “death bed” requests carry “weight”—but would “the son” have KILLED ‘anyone else’ she asked, as a final request ?? I’m sorry for his “loss”…. but whatever he is “getting” for his act of MURDER— HE DESERVES !!
    WE had a “service dog” (Border Collie), that was promoted to “family member” for 14 1/2 years. Had something happened to my son–I would NOT have had “Jake” put down !!
    Having lost both of my Parents to Cancer… it IS devastating. But–without sounding too “cold”— I think that this family has more problems than just cancer !!

  88. Avatar Of Jessica Durow

    Jessica Durow


    My question is…what type of veterinarian puts down a healthy dog!!? And this is not right. He could have been buried there when his life was over. He’s not an object, but a life! Poor puppy.

  89. Avatar Of Juanita Cardwell

    Juanita Cardwell


    I believe that Toffee be placed in another home where it will server another persons needs, but with the condition that when and if Toffee dies he/she will contact the family of Ms.Shelia Stadler and then bury her best friend and companion be buried next to her. Why kill a healthy animal when it can serve another person’s need.

  90. Avatar Of Rick Chaffe

    Rick Chaffe


    Obviously she was not a Christian woman. She was a cruel pathetic excuse of a human for condoning the murder of her dog. Utterly selfish to take her dogs life just because she wanted it buried with her. The Bible says ” Thou shalt not kill”. I guess she forgot that one.

  91. Avatar Of Retha



    the dog should have been given to someone else to help th3m it is sad bt it could have helped others then when its time came buy it by the original owner so sad

  92. Avatar Of Mike Taylor

    Mike Taylor


    What was anyone thinking? THIS IS NOT ANCIENT Egypt!!!!!! The son should NEVER be able to own a pet again as this was RIDICULOUS!!!! This dog could have been buried next to her when his time had come. !@#$% EPIC FAIL!!!!

  93. Avatar Of Karen Walsh



    Very selfish of both the mom and the son,, the mom as so many others would be able to see with the use of the PUP, and those PUPs are hard to get now days,, and the son for doing the bidding of a person dying of cancer and was most likely on a mind altering drug to ease the pain,, wonder if mom had said to bury her son with to her would he also have himself killed??? I think not,,

  94. Avatar Of Melody Kitchens

    Melody Kitchens


    They belong together. Our society should be able to go to any shelter and save dogs for service work with others in need. He was her companion and devoted to her. He might not have ever stopped grieving and it would have been worse to let him wait the rest of his life for her return. Give the man a break, it is never an easy decision to make and if he did what he thought was best for all concerned let him grieve for the loss of both and show some respect.

    • Avatar Of Ari



      They belong together? According to who and under what grounds? Last I checked, this isn’t ancient Egypt where people are buried with throngs of servants to support themselves in the afterlife. The woman was not in the right mind to be making decisions. No matter how you paint it, it epitomizes selfishness.

    • Avatar Of Ari



      And now that I think about it, the fact that you even attempt to stand up for whatever party is a little concerning on your behalf. Let’s hope you never find yourself in a similar situation. Good day.

      • Avatar Of K9Handler



        I’m in my “right mind” and I’d consider it. Service dogs and wroking dogs are different in a way no pet owner will ever understand. The bond is far more intricate and some dogs are actually retired because they can no longer work with another handler. Her piece of mind was that her best friend would never face being unwanted. Everyone who is so judgemental obviouslt haven’t learned what your pets have been trying to teach you

        • Avatar Of Carol Carol says:

          K9Handler. I disagree and I CAN speak from experience. My husbands first wife was blind and had quite a few service dogs through her life. When she passed away there were 2. Her retired dog and her working dog (near retirement). My husband went through the proper chanels and got pernmission to keep the working dog just as he had done for the retired dog. Some years later when I met him, I inherrited these 2 wonderful girls. They both lived to be 14 years old and they were happy.

          When my husband passed away 2 weeks ago, I brought all the dogs in to say good bye before the mortuary took him away. They all have accepted that he is gone and not coming back… all but the one who laid by his bed for months while he suffered with cancer. She refused. She will not acknowledge he is gone and she is grieving terribly. I wopuld not dream of euthanizing her. I am grieving terrible too and I don’t want to accept he is gone. But we will get through this together, just as the son and the blind lady’s dog could have done.

    • Avatar Of Brenda




      Where is the RESPECT for a creature that has had many MONTHS of training ??
      This is BOGUS !! ” He might not have ever stopped grieving”—

      He wasn’t ‘over it” in 3 days–time to KILL HIM !! WHAT IF–he would have been OK in a week ?? A month ?? NO ONE WILL KNOW NOW !!
      I have 2 Border Collies, and a Sheltie–all rescues. My large Border Collie– I drove 8 hours to get… my Dad had just died, and HIS “Dad/owner” had just been killed in a car wreck. He was in a NEW place… his “dad’ gone… but within a WEEK… he was like he’d been here all along !! ALL he needed was LOVE–and Security !! MOST Dogs adjust very well. WE like to ‘romanticize’ animals devotion to ONE person. And though they are truly devoted… few “mourn themselves to death”. Their Drive to Survive id more evolved than to just lay down and die. “Alex” has 2 “brother dogs” now…. he’s the “alpha”… and a HAPPY FAMILY MEMBER !!
      BTW— “the Dad” that was killed in the wreck…. his kids were going to have “Alex” put down (he was barely 3 y/o). The lady that had been his Groomer hid “Alex”–and took the kids to court to STOP them from KILLING HIM !! The “kids” didn’t want to be bothered. Could be a bit of the SAME behind THIS “story” !!

    • Avatar Of Mikea



      MikeA I couldn’t agree with you more, though no one else is saying it, I think you just said it perfectly

    • Avatar Of Mikea



      MikeA I screwed up and posted this is the wrong spot but Melody, I couldn’t agree with you more, though no one else is saying it, I think you just said it perfectly

      • Avatar Of Ari



        His mom died. Many condolences. But euthanizing a healthy young animal under a batshit crazy request does not prompt respect from any sane person. Duh.

    • Avatar Of Robin Saporito

      Robin Saporito


      Dogs are rehomed all the time after an owner’s death and do just fine.

    • Avatar Of Eileen



      I believe and have experienced, Guide Dogs & Service dogs are different from the family pet. They are focused and trained to do their job. I believe it would be very difficult for the dog to adapt to another person. They are trained not to go to others for affection until they are released. they are friendly but the person they are bonded with is their main purpose.
      Everyone has a lot to say about someone else’s decisions. Do you all have as much clarity about your own decisions. Use all this compassion on helping others.

    • Avatar Of Katy



      I feel that the dog should have at least been given a chance to see if he could bond with another disabled person and find fulfillment and love with a new master. If that did not relieve his grieving, then yes, it would have been done in mercy. But definitely should have been offered the chance to do what he loved best – help someone.

    • Avatar Of Kristy



      Amen… Melody Kitchens,
      I so agree, there are so many dogs in shelters that will be euthanized, if they are not adopted. Our hometown shelter waits 3 days unless they are small puppies then they wait 3 months at the most. For older dogs, a 3 day wait til they are euthanized. Now if a dog (or cat) has a collar on, they will shelter the animal for 7 days before they euthanize.
      I am all for adoption… And for these people who want trained dogs for service work, adopt a dog from our or any local shelter to save the dogs life.
      People want to scream saying this grieving tormented guy killed a dog, whatever shelters KILL dogs everyday!!! Go get in the local Shelters faces & business!
      Allow this man to mourn for his loses & take this nonsense of getting mad at him for *KILLING A PERFECTLY HEALTHY DOG* to your Local Humane Shelter who *KILLS PERFECTLY HEALTHY DOGS EVERYDAY!*

    • Avatar Of Uschi Yogendra

      Uschi Yogendra


      Sorry, a dog does not grieve the rest of his life. Dogs live in the “here and now” and he would have been very happy with an other persons who needed his service. It was unbelievably cruel and selfish to rob the dog and and an other blind person of this opportiunity

  95. Avatar Of Jackie



    That is one of the MOST selfish things I have ever heard.
    Should be a crime to kill an innocent healthy dog

    • Avatar Of Monica Mohlman

      Monica Mohlman


      Totally unacceptable! How SELFISH! Christian my ass!! She could have let the dog live out his years and then have him placed by her side!

  96. Avatar Of Linda linda says:


  97. Avatar Of Catherine Stevens

    Catherine Stevens


    I can’t believe this at all. The dog was perfectly healthy. The mans mother is dead she wouldn’t have known the dog was with her in the casket. This is on of the most disgusting and selfish acts I have ever heard. Good thing she didn’t want her son buried next to her!

  98. Avatar Of Laurie Marty

    Laurie Marty


    So incredibly selfish!!! Dogs are living beings that are family members. They ARE NOT people’s property!!!

  99. Avatar Of Melinda



    so wrong I can not believe this was allowed, makes me sick.

  100. Avatar Of Sue Sylvestro

    sue sylvestro


    as much as i adore my dog , i would want her to live on and love another person as she loves me ….they can & do adapt !

  101. Avatar Of Linda Palma

    Linda Palma


    Andrew and the Vet that did this are MURDERS!!!!!! What goes around comes around and it will come around to them!!!!!

  102. Avatar Of Lee




  103. Avatar Of Kelly Sifford

    Kelly Sifford


    This was a selfish act by the woman and her son and also cruel.

  104. Avatar Of Sandra Webster

    Sandra Webster


    I can understand where the son is coming from and wanted to honor his mothers last dying wish…however…he might have kept the dog and when the dogs years were up, then bury it beside his mom !!

    • Avatar Of Jan Bayern

      Jan Bayern


      How terribly selfish to end a dog’s life before his time! I agree with Sandra, what was keeping the son from waiting until the dog passed a natural death and then burying him beside his owner at that time?

      • Avatar Of Aimee



        While MOST dying wishes are not selfish, this one WAS. That dog could have given someone else years of independence and happiness. BOTH the mother and the son were very thoughtless and selfish. Now there is someone out there that will have an even LONGER wait, if they get a dog at all.

  105. Avatar Of Jill



    Heartbreaking story. My heart breaks for all involved.

    • Avatar Of Elaine



      OK…I want my dogs ashes added to my ashes when I die. The beauty of cremation is, whichever one of us goes first ashes can just wait around for the other. But burial, no, that is WRONG…because there is some one else who needs that dog NOW. Why euthanize a healthy service dog so selfishly. That woman should have been told it was a selfish request that was being denied. The funeral home should have refused to do it. My husband and I have made arrangements for our dogs if we both should die at the same time. or when both gone at different times… They have assigned “godparents” and we have made arrangements to leave funds for the care of the dogs.

      • Avatar Of Marykay



        Shame on the boy for euthanizing a valuable service dog that could of serviced another person that would love him the way his Mom loved him. Service dogs are a very valuable and it takes a very arduous screening of puppies, their temperament, intelligences,patients not allowed to be distracted. Sorry I don’t call him a Son I call him a BOY a selfish BOY. Toffee could of served one of our Service Men who needed him.

        • Avatar Of Anne



          MaryKay If one of your parents had this as their dying wish, you may find it difficult to know what to choose as well, especially if your emotions and rationale were not their usual due to grief. While I think the better option would be to choose for the dog to go to another person in need, her son was caught between a rock and a hard place and you are being far too harsh in your judgement of him.

          • Avatar Of Kristine



            Well no, if my parent wanted to do it, have it as a dieing wish I would have talked her out of it. What kind of Christian was she anyway, to have a perfectly healthy guide dog killed? It cost thousands of dollars to train on of those and a christian thing to do would be to have it help others.

            This was just a selfish thing to do!

          • Avatar Of Alan



            Being harsh is a non-issue.. So it’s perfectly ok to rescind moral values on the whims of a dying loved one? Based on that logic, you could justify nearly anything. Killing the dog was pointless, cruel and inhumane. I don’t care who was dying, this was beyond selfish. It was intellectually crass, and borders on crazy.

        • Avatar Of Astrid Murrison

          Astrid Murrison


          That Selfish Old Woman!!! HEARTLESS BITCH That DOG was Given to her Because that F###### BAG was BLIND …Hope GOD Send That OLD SELFISH BAG and her Son SOB to HELL and let them SUFFER GRRRR… WE all know The Sweet Dog WILL Go To The RAINBOW BRIDGE………
          RIP SWEET TOFFEE.. I will never Give or help The SEE and Eye DOGS AGAIN if they let this HAPPING. That Sweet DOG could have going to someone som need TOFFY…. It cost allot of money to train a SEE and EYE DOG.

      • Avatar Of Carol Carol says:

        I totally agree. She was being very selfish. I do not understand why the Guide Dog group that placed the dog did not step in. The dogs from Guide Dogs for the Blind in California maintain ownership of their placed guide dogs and they are simply on “loan” to the blind person. I do not know of ANY group that trains any type of service dog that does not maintain ownership.

        I have arrangements for all my personal dogs, my ‘sanctuary dogs’ and my ‘rescue waiting for home dogs’ should I die. My husband just passed away 2 weeks ago so I know how improtant planning for the care of our dogs is. As you said, my ashes (or theirs) can wait for them to be joined.

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