Health & Wellness

How Dogs Improve YOUR Health

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A person who exercises and plays is a happy person. Owning a dog involves exercising them and playing with them. This helps you feel better physically as well as mentally. The exercise helps with lower blood pressure, and the time spent playing with your furball always brightens a person’s mood. When you are in a good mood your body releases the hormone serotonin. This hormone is naturally produced by your body giving you a feeling of joy and well-being. Studies have proven a person who smiles more, and is in a good mood, has far fewer health issues due to the release of serotonin. This is just one way how dogs improve YOUR health, by putting you in a good mood.

How dogs improve YOUR health

Leading a more active lifestyle is a normal part of owning a dog. You two are out for walks, playing tug-of-war, jogging together, etc. This all contributes to reduced stress by lowering your blood pressure and reducing the release of your bodies stress hormone cortisol.

Many studies have proven how dogs improve health in children with hypertension and elderly people who suffer from Alzheimer’s. These children see reduced blood pressure levels simply by petting a dog, while older people with Alzheimer’s suffer fewer anxiety attacks when a pet is there. This is a major reason why dogs are brought in to see elderly people in nursing homes and children who are hospitalized.

Owning a dog has also been shown to lower your cholesterol levels. This has been attributed to the fact owning a dog requires you to become a more active individual. It also has been shown to improve heart health due to the increase in your level of exercise, will help lower depression for those who suffer from this very debilitating condition, those who own at least one dog are less likely to develop an isolation issue, dogs also reduce the possibility of having a stroke because of your increase in physical exercise, they help ADHD sufferers, they give warning of an impending seizure or heart attack, and help those who suffer from Autism.

Are not these great ways how dogs improve YOUR health? These are just a few of the many benefits for YOU, so give your dog the best love and life possible, and you will be repaid many times over.

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