Lifestyle with Dog

Keeping Your Outside Dog Safe During Winter

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Yes, I know it’s Labor Day here in the US of A, and it’s still hot as blazes in most areas of the country. However, now is the time to start planning for how your outside furball will weather the winter, especially if you have a new outside dog, or reviewing the things you already have set up and in place for an existing outside dog.

For dogs living outside, winter can be a cold, difficult time. This does not have to be the case if these pets are given the necessities to stay warm and safe. Keeping your outside dog safe during winter should be the top priority for all people who own dogs kept in outside kennels and dog houses. There are several simple things all owners of these dogs can do ensuring their pooch weathers the winter in good shape.

The first thing to do is be prepared for the arrival of winter. This will make keeping your outside dog safe during winter much easier once the snow begins to fly. If there are any repairs needed to the dog house or kennel do not wait for winter to arrive before taking care of them. One of the things my father did to ensure our Beagle rabbit hunting dogs were warm during even the coldest weather was install small light bulbs in each kennel house. A simple low wattage light bulb will put off an amazing amount of heat when installed in the ceiling of the dogs sleeping area. Even in brutally cold weather, they stayed comfy.

Continued on page 2…

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  1. Avatar Of Sinta


    Sep 2, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    my friend’s ex-wife makes $69/hour on the internet. She has been without work for nine months but last month her pay was $21913 just working on the internet for a few hours. Continue Reading

  2. Avatar Of Jo


    Sep 2, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    I understand that some people who own working dogs might want or need to keep them somewhere other than in the house, but there is no reason any dog should be kept in an unheated area. If an owner can’t afford to, or doesn’t want to, provide warm, comfortable accommodations for his pet, then he should probably rethink dog ownership. There are far too many dogs left tied to dog houses year round, without companionship, comfort, fresh water, or any kind of mental stimulation to occupy their time.

  3. Avatar Of Jody Snow

    Jody Snow

    Sep 2, 2013 at 11:44 am

    For the inside dogs, don’t forget about sweaters for the littlest ones. Chihuahuas especially get very cold, so sweaters and doggie jackets are a must, not just a cute idea. Also, if snowy and icy, you REALLY should get them to wear booties, though I’ve had limited success both finding ones small enough for my Chihuahua and getting him to wear them.

  4. Avatar Of Corinne Anderson

    corinne anderson

    Sep 2, 2013 at 1:20 am

    Dogs should NOT be kept outside, they should be INSIDE.

    • Avatar Of Tom Haslam

      Tom Haslam

      Jan 26, 2016 at 8:59 pm

      Dogs have been living OUTSIDE for THOUSANDS of years!
      It’s only hair brained women who decided they needed to be INSIDE!

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