Dogs & Laws

New Colorado Law Bans Abusers from Owning Pets

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Sharing your heart and home with pets is a privilege. Now, since Colorado governor Jared Polis signed a new bill into law on Wednesday, pet owners in Colorado that abuse that privilege will be banned from adopting and owning any pets for up to five years.

The newly passed law will “increase restrictions of people convicted of felony pet animal cruelty, and facilitate mental health and treatments to address the underlying factors that drive tragic animal cruelty,” Polis said.

Under the newly passed HB19-1092 animal abusers will be banned from owning, possessing or caring for an animal for between three to five years. Abusers can also be ordered to complete an anger management or mental health treatment.

“The basis of this bill was to help animals, obviously,” Representative Alex Valdez, a sponsor of the bill, told CBS4, “but also to help the people who abuse them to not become more dangerous in the future.”

Gov Polis also announced the launch of a People for Animal Welfare Committee, a committee organized to advise on issues related to animal protection in Colorado.

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