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Amazing Video! Paralyzed Dog Finds the Strength to Greet Airman Returning Home After Deployment

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Emma, a rescue dog who was born without any use in her back legs, usually waits at the end of the hallway for her Daddy to come in and pick her up. But, after he’d been deployed for 6 months, she just couldn’t wait, and somehow mustered up the strength to greet him at the door!

From Mel Swanson’s YouTube page,

My husband has been deployed for 6 months. Before he left, we adopted (are long term foster parents for SNARR-a special needs animal rescue) a special needs puppy with a severe birth defect. Emma and her daddy were very close! It broke her, and his, heart when he left. When I come in the door, she normally sits at the end of the hallway and waits for me to pick her up. This time, when her daddy came in, she went to him! Mikey (the tan dog) was so happy he cried! Gotta love homecomings!!
Many have asked why Emma doesn’t have a doggy wheelchair. Emma has had several wheelchairs. Unfortunately, she refuses to use any of them. We have had custom ones made even. We have worked with the companies to teach her to use it, but she will have nothing to do with it or with a “drag bag” or harness. She’s always been this way. Emma has no idea she’s “special”. She loves life and runs and plays well on her own outdoors. She just has a little trouble on the tile indoors. We do have rugs layed out for her all over the house, but we did not have any in this hallway at the time. That’s why you see her hopping to him. Please watch her other videos on here or on her Facebook page (link below) to see how she really gets around.

Also, Emma is still under the medical care of SNARR, the special needs rescue group that we got her from as foster parents. So that they can keep a close eye on her, they have agreed to let us keep her for the rest of her life (Woohoo!) but still pay her medical bills, which are quite expensive at times. If you want to check them out, see the other special dogs they have there, and possibly donate to help pay Emma’s medical bills, please check out their website:
They also have a FB page that’s updated more often:…

We, as Emma’s parents, are not asking for ANY money! Any money donated goes directly to the animal rescue, not to us. We are blessed enough just to have her!

Here’s Emma’s FB page if you wanna read more about her and see more videos:…

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