Animal Advocates

Pregnant Dog Buried Alive Under Sidewalk for Two Days

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Local residents in the southwestern Russian city of Voronezh rescued a pregnant dog who they found buried alive under a sidewalk by negligent workers who either didn’t notice her, or didn’t care that she was there when they built the sidewalk over top of her.

Belka was buried alive for two days, deprived of food and water, when residents heard barking from beneath the sidewalk.

We were shocked,” Aleksandra told Bloknot-Voronezh. We rushed to ask the neighbors what had happened. They only told us that the workers had fixed the hole…

I don’t believe that they just failed to notice the dog. It’s not a hamster. The workers probably just didn’t want to make an effort and retrieve the animal. The neighbors also proved to be indifferent. They understood the poor creature got trapped. But who wants to waste their time, getting their hands dirty? No one cared.”

When local authorities refused to help rescue the pregnant dog, the residents tore the sidewalk apart and made the rescue themselves.

Tragically, Belka’s puppies did not survive the ordeal. But, Belka is now in a rescue shelter and is expected to make a full recovery.

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