
Strange But True: Taiwan Dog Poop Lottery

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In Taipai, an innovative scheme to keep the streets of northern Taiwan clean has thousands of citizens collecting bags of dog poop in the hope of winning $2,000 in gold. The following story, reported by The Daily Mail, falls into our strange but true category – The Taiwan Poop Lottery!

Strange But True: Taiwan Dog Poop Lottery

A city in Taiwan is offering people the chance to turn dog poo into gold by handing out special lottery tickets in exchange for every bag of the mess they collect.

Residents of New Taipei City, bordering the capital Taipei, are scurrying to scoop up every scrap they can find after the government announced three winners will receive prizes of gold ingots worth $2,100.

The scheme was launched in August and has already seen over 4000 residents hand in more than 14,000 bags of waste.

Lai Lien-chueh, from the city’s environmental protection bureau said the competition had been an unprecedented success.

The city has also launched a scheme which rewards people for photographing dog owners leaving mess uncleaned, and have stepped up its own ‘poo patrols’ in popular dog-walking areas.

Who knew Taipai had such a problem with dog owners not picking up their pup’s waste that they had to launch the Taiwan Dog Poop Lottery?! You can read the original story here. Would you participate in a poop lottery? Give us your comments below.

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