Awesome Stories

This Amazing Dog Detected Cancer When Doctors & Imaging Could Not

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Screenshot 2016-04-18 At 3.30.37 Pm

Max, a Collie-mix, began acting strangely toward his owner. Concerned that her dog, almost 10-years old at the time, was nearing the end of his life, Maureen Burns began preparing herself to say goodbye to her beloved best friend.

“He just wasn’t happy. Wouldn’t come with me, wouldn’t sit by me, wouldn’t sit on my lap. He would come up and touch my breast with his nose and back off, so desperately unhappy.”

Although Maureen had a lump in her breast, mammograms had come back clear, indicating that the lump was nothing to worry about.

But, because of Max’s odd behavior, Maureen insisted doctor’s perform a biopsy to evaluate the lump after additional scans and testing revealed nothing.

Because of Max, and Maureen’s trust in his instincts, doctor’s were finally able to discover and remove the cancer growing within Maureen’s breast.

The change in Max’s behavior after the lump was removed was instant.

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