Celebrity Pets

Vice Presidential Hopeful Mike Pence Mourns the Passing of the Family Dog

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Although Indiana governor Mike Pence is on the campaign trail out west, his heart is back in the Hoosier state, mourning the loss of a beloved family member.

“Heavy hearts today,” the Vice Presidential hopeful tweeted Wednesday. “Our beagle of 13 years passed away quietly last night. Rest in Peace, Maverick. We will miss you.”

The campaign shared a photo of Pence and First Lady Karen Pence hugging Maverick, the furry family member they adopted in Virginia when he was 2 years old, on the doorstep of the governor’s residence.

The animal-loving Pence family also have two cats named Oreo and Pickle, a bunny named Marlon Bundo, and a snake named Sapphira.

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  1. Avatar Of Leslie Allison

    Leslie Allison


    Very sorry about the passing of your beloved family pet. Prayers to you all.

  2. Avatar Of Barbara



    So very sorry for your loss

  3. Avatar Of Henry



    Not only his Dog!
    Also his Trump will be in a Loss

    • Shame on you Henry! Mike is mourning the loss of his beagle and you down Trump?. Mike is a good man who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, unlike the murderous Clinton’s, who yes are the real Racist and haters (Bill even use to belong to an all White country club when he was in Arkansas). Do your research and above all, GET ALONE IN A QUIET PLACE, ASK GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU AND FORGIVE YOU, THEN READ YOUR BIBLE EVERY MORNING AND LET IT CHANGE YOU TO LOOK LIKE YOUR CREATOR.

    • Avatar Of Crittrluvr



      Henry,this isn’t the time or place for such comments. Have some compassion for him and his family as they mourn the loss of their beloved furbaby.

  4. Please know we care about your Maverick. Our pets are full members of our family. My sincere sympathy.

  5. Avatar Of Dolores Stofko

    Dolores Stofko


    I am so sorry for your fur child passing. You are a fine man Mr Pence and you show the world how integrity, faith, class, honesty is still alive. I truly wish you were running for President.. if Trump doesn’t get it, please run in four years… you would bring the party together and the GOP would be proud of their candidate…..

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