Lifestyle with Dog

VIDEO: How to Perform CPR on a Dog

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It’s a skill that no dog owner hopes to ever need. And, one that every dog owner SHOULD know, just in case.

Watch the video now, bookmark it, and watch it again from time to time to keep the instructions fresh in your mind. In the event of an emergency, those few precious moments could mean the difference between life and death.

Additionally, consider taking a hands-on pet CPR class in your area.

Dog safety expert Melanie Monteiro demonstrates how to perform CPR on a dog:

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  1. Thanks for the video. I am wondering why these pet CPR guidelines vary so much from Heart Association’s CPR guidelines for people. In theory, the guidelines should be relatively the same for all mammals…. The emphasis in people is on compressions (circulation,) not opening the airway first- for instance.

  2. Avatar Of Linda Beatty Linda Beatty says:

    This information is not current protocol for performing CPR. It is out of sequence and giving the wrong counts. Please take this down.

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