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Losing a dog is much more than just losing a pet.
A dog’s connection with its owner is extremely strong. Dogs accept us for who we are, and the unconditional love they provide us makes us grateful to have them in our life. They’re considered loyal family members, which is why losing a dog brings so much grief. Loss may be painful and difficult to bear. While others may not understand the extent of your feelings for your pet, you should never feel guilty or ashamed about mourning over an animal companion.
People deal with grief differently. Some pet owners hold funerals, cremations and burials. Some find that memorializing their pet helps in processing their pain. Here are a few meaningful ways you can keep the memory of your beloved dog.
Preserved Paw Print
Looking at your pet’s paw print after they’ve died can be very meaningful. Paw prints can be taken while a pet is living or after they have died. As part of their euthanasia service, many veterinarians may offer to make a paw print for you. Paw prints in clay are common, but ink on paper is another alternative. Though it’s difficult to plan ahead of time, or you may just not have the opportunity, you might try to capture your pet’s paw print in ink or with simple salt dough. You may put the print in a box with other souvenirs, use it to create custom artwork or a tattoo, or make an ornament out of it.
Customized Jewelry
When it comes to customizing artwork or jewelry in honor of a pet, there are many options. There are several ways to incorporate a piece of your pet into jewelry. Turning the ashes into a diamond, making jewelry with the pet’s nose or paw print on it, wearing a locket with your dog’s portrait or inscribed with his name or initials. You can contact a local artist near you or do it yourself.
A Photo Album
You most definitely have several photographs of your dog. Many shops will print a picture book for you to complete with photographs and tales about your dog, such as amusing things he did, all his nicknames, or who his best furry buddies were. A picture book can always help spark joy, whether you are sad or just wish to recollect the wonderful times you spent with your beloved dog.
Give To Animals In Need
You may commemorate your pet’s memory by contributing time or money to your local animal shelter in their name. This may be a special way to pay it forward to rescued dogs. Making a contribution in their name to a charity of your choosing is perhaps the simplest yet most expressive way to commemorate a pet.
Plant A Tree Or Flower
Using a biodegradable urn and planting your pet’s ashes alongside a new tree or flowering shrub is a wonderful way to commemorate your pet. If at all possible, select a plant that reminds you of your pet. Another special family activity for commemorating life, death, and renewal. If you’re still looking for the perfect location to scatter your pet’s ashes, try sprinkling them in your memorial flower garden or within the hole you’ve made for your memorial tree. You can also put a stone with an engraving of their name or a stone shaped like your dog to place near the planted tree or flower.
It is never simple to say goodbye. Whatever way you choose to remember your pet, know that your love for them will last well beyond the all-too-brief time you spent together. While the death of one animal might be heartbreaking, with the right amount of time to be ready, the arrival of a new pet into your house can pull you out of the sadness and remind you of why you chose to love and lose in the first place.