Dog Law

2 Dogs Dead, 1 Injured After Deadly Coyote Attack

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Image via Fox 11

In the San Fernando Valley, in Los Angeles, a coyote attacked three Chihuahuas, leaving two of them dead and one injured. The dogs’ names were Gizmo, Salen, and Ella.

The assault that happened on December 9 was captured on security camera footage in the backyard of a house in Granada Hills. The coyote can be seen chasing Gizmo in the video. Sadly, Gizmo and Salem were unable to survive the attack.

“My daughter came running in screaming to us, ‘There’s coyotes in the backyard and they have Gizmo,’ recalled owner, Tamara Wynn.

The sole survivor of the horrible attack is Ella, who was in Tamara’s arms when she spoke with FOX 11. Since then, Ella has had a rabies shot.

The Wynn family is hoping that other dog owners won’t experience what they have. Tamara said, “Don’t think it can’t happen to you. Because it can. We have this 6-foot wall around our fence. We thought we were safe.”

All around Los Angeles County, coyote attacks are still being reported. Do not leave food outside of your homes, according to experts, as this may attract coyotes.

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