Dogs & Laws

$5 Million Lawsuit Filed Against Rachael Ray’s ‘Nutrish’ Dog Food

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A New York man is suing celebrity chef, Rachael Ray’s ‘Nutrish’ brand dog food for $5 million, claiming it contains a dangerous chemical found in herbicides.

Although the Nutrish line of dog food is marketed as “natural food for dogs,” containing “no artificial flavors or preservatives,” a lawsuit claims that an independent lab found glyphosate, a potentially dangerous chemical which can be found in weed-killing products like Roundup, in the dog food.

Dog owner, Markeith Parks filed the $5 million class-action lawsuit on Wednesday against Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, the manufacturers of Nutrish, and its line of Superior Premium Food for Dogs on the basis that while Ray’s Nutrish “aggressively advertises” and promotes the products as “natural,” the “claims are false, deceptive, and misleading.”

“Instead, the products contain the unnatural chemical glyphosate, a potent biocide and endocrine disruptor, with detrimental health effects that are still becoming known,” court documents claim.

“The exact source of glyphosate in the products is known only to Rachael Ray Nutrish and its suppliers,” the documents continue. “However, crops such as peas, soy, corn, beets and alfalfa are sprayed with the chemical in order to dry them and produce an earlier, more uniform harvest — a practice with no health benefits, meant only to increase yield.”

In addition, the lawsuit contends that “by deceiving consumers about the nature, quality, and/or ingredients of the products, Rachael Ray Nutrish is able to sell a greater volume of the products, to charge higher prices for the products, and to take away market share from competing products, thereby increasing its own sales and profits.”

Bobby Modi, vice president, pet food and pet snacks for J.M. Smucker Co., which bought Ainsworth Pet Nutrition earlier this year, told Fox News in a statement,  “We are in the process of reviewing the details of the claim but strongly stand behind the quality of our products, ingredients and sourcing practices. As animal lovers and humans, it goes without saying that we do not add pesticides to our products as an ingredient. We plan to aggressively fight these claims.”

In the class-action suit, Parks is seeking “relief including actual damages, interest, costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees,” and an injunction to stop Nutrish’s marketing and sale of the products, along with corrective advertising.



  1. Thqrlene LakesMathis

    Aug 2, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    Well for that matter,,they spray our fruits & veggies with that poison & probably stays in the veggies thats in the food. She didnt produce that.Stop poisoning the Garden!

  2. Melissa Connor

    Sep 20, 2019 at 9:39 am

    Look everyone all the commercial dog food is GARBAGE AND POISON! And it causes me intense anxiety and extreme pain to say so yet it’s the Truth. We need to come together and demand change. The manufacturer’s of dog food have made their TRILLIONS of dollars and more , they need to be put out of business entirely. The unnecessary loss of health and life is enormous and the pain unforgettable. Our best friends and family members deserve better. Most pet owners are middle class families and single people too and we have been ripped off enough. And what about the unnecessary pain and suffering our beloved animals have had to experience for decades now. Not to mention the huge amounts of money we spent because our pets are sick from eating this poisonous garbage? All so the rich can get richer. How long will we allow this to continue? If you’re a fellow animal lover tell your friends and love ones let’s find someone smarter than myself to lead the charge to right this hurtful horrible wrong.

  3. Alan

    May 31, 2019 at 10:23 pm

    We have a young adult boxer who has been eating this same food. He’s recently dropped from 70 to 48 lbs in the past three weeks and we found this article. We are still trying to get a diagnosis, but we believe it may be intestinal cancer from the ultrasound images. We are still waiting on a biopsy.

    This dog is our only family and what we’ve been going through over the past three weeks has been absolutely heartbreaking — watching our best friend suffer like this while we wait to know if there’s anything we can do is unbearable. I don’t need money, but if this food contributed to his suffering and we spent a premium thinking we were getting premium food for him, the most satisfying thing would be for those responsible to meet financial ruin and be branded professionally with scarlet letters identifying them as those so selfish as to bring harm to the most innocent for their personal gain.

  4. Pingback: Here’s Why Rachael Ray’s Dog Food Brand Is Being Sued For $5 Million | Health Cure

  5. Evelyn Codd

    Sep 20, 2018 at 9:30 am

    How do you add yourself to this classaction lawsuit? I’m more than pissed i trusted this brand and have been feeding it to my loved ones. [email protected]


    Sep 5, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    We have been feeding our dog RR dog food & her dog bones every day & shes very healthy. I checked both & this so called “ingredient” isnt listed in either. So I’m not convinced!! She loves both.
    Blackstock. Florence, Al

  7. Angela

    Aug 17, 2018 at 7:29 pm

    I have feed my 2 dogs Racheal Ray’s Nutrish for the last 3 years and they are healthier now then they have ever been. Their vet says I put years on their life just by feeding them Racheal Ray’s. So I dont believe this BS. I will continue to feed my dogs Racheal Ray.
    Thank you Racheal Ray for making an awesome dog food that my boys love!!!

  8. Janet Brown

    Aug 15, 2018 at 12:04 pm

    This crap almost killed one of my dogs and nobody would believe me that it was her dog food that was poisoning him except maybe the vet!He tried the beef flavor first and had diarrhea first and then the chicken. He kept vomiting blood, and it was in his diarrhea. I let him outside one day and he sat in the yard in the sun and didn’t move for an hour. I had to make sure he wasn’t dead. The vet said give him a bland chicken and rice diet and sure enough he recovered slowly and completely.

  9. Tammy

    Aug 9, 2018 at 8:18 pm

    Are you kidding me that is brand I feed my frogs and have been feeding them for years. I trusted her. Was very concerned when she sold out to smuckers and was waiting to see what they were going to change. Honestly I just had one dog to the vet and he said whatever food I was feeding her to keep it up she looks and checks out great for a 16 year old pitbull. They average 10. My other little died at 15.5 My new adopted out mix also a senior is doing well too. I have not had any issues with Rachael Rays dog food at all

  10. Tammy

    Aug 9, 2018 at 8:16 pm

    Are you kidding me that is brand I feed my frogs and have been feeding them for years. I trusted her. Was very concerned when she sold out to smuckers and was waiting to see what they were going to change. Honestly I just had one dog to the vet and he said whatever food I was feeding her to keep it up she looks and checks out great for a 16 year old pitbull. They average 10. My other little died at 15.5 My new adopted out mix also a senior is doing well too.

    • Rhonda Arvidson

      Sep 5, 2018 at 1:23 am

      how do I get in on this class action shut? I am convinced RR dog food killed my dog in June 2018. Weeks after changing her to this food.
      [email protected]

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