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73-Year Old Man Punches a Bear in the Face to Save His Dog

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Carl Moore doesn’t back down easily, especially when his dog, Lacey – his “baby girl” – is in danger.

So when the 73-year old Placer County, California man came face-to-face with a bear outside his home, threatening his dog, well… let’s just say this bear might think twice about bothering Carl or Lacey ever again.

“And I raised both hands in the air and I cussed at him, ‘Rrraaaaaaa! Get out of here you bastard, and he looked at me like ‘Go eff yourself,” he explained to CBS Sacramento.

That’s when Carl hauled off and punched the bear, square in the face.

Quite the character, Carl described the incident. “He come up like this, and turned, boom, I hit him hard. Tyler said I damn corkscrewed his head,” he exclaimed.

“I ain’t run from nothing; I never have in my whole life and I ain’t going to start now,” he said. “And you’re not going to sacrifice my babies for some damn bear.”

We’re happy to report that Lacey is doing just fine and the bear? Carl said, “This guy’s a jerk, but he ain’t been back since he’s been smacked by Carl.”

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  1. Avatar Of Louanne



    i just love this! I think older people, shut ins , and just dog lovers relate to this. Thanks

  2. Avatar Of Dennis Berube

    Dennis Berube


    I would first ask what kind of bear was it? A black bear would probably turn and run. A brown or grizzly might just give Mr. Moore a run for his money!!!!!!!

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