Dog Abuse

Another Police K9 Dies After Being Locked in Hot Car

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K-9 Totti (Pa Department Of Corrections)
K-9 Totti (PA Department of Corrections)

The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections initiated a fact-finding investigation when a drug-detection K-9 with the department died after being left in a hot car for more than 2 hours by his handler.

The 2-year-old yellow Lab named Totti was left in the vehicle by his handler after a training exercise at the state prison in Rockview. Totti was a member of the state Department of Corrections Drug Interdictions Unit.

A Department of Corrections spokesperson said that the dog’s handler, Sgt. Chad Holland, had stored training items in a vehicle at the end of a training exercise at approximately 12:15 p.m and didn’t realize until 2:44 p.m. that the dog was locked in the car. When they discovered Totti, still alive and conscious, the handler and other Drug Interdiction Unit staff tried to cool him with a water hose and ice before rushing him to a veterinarian where he later died.

“Everyone involved was incredibly and understandably upset and concerned for the dog,” said a statement issued by the department. “Unfortunately the dog did not survive. This has been very devastating for everyone involved.”

The department currently has 22 handlers and dogs and this is the first incident involving the death of a dog since the Drug Interdictions Unit was launched.

The department are reviewing training and safeguard technologies to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The investigation into Totti’s death is ongoing. It is unclear at this time whether charges will be brought against the handler.

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  1. Avatar Of Rose Rotger

    Rose Rotger


    This idiot of a police office should get jail time the same way a civilian would. I hope he at least lost his job. I wouldn’t trust at all.

  2. Avatar Of Lisa Dunlap

    Lisa Dunlap


    If this happens on your watch you should loose your job. No excuse. Got that? There is no excuse for this to happen. I am furious.

  3. Avatar Of A. Barlow A. Barlow says:

    To have charge of an animal who trusts with his life so horrible to me its the same as leaving a child. Yes there should be punishment and no excuse

  4. Avatar Of Debra Grenier.

    Debra Grenier.


    Hello. What are you all doing? Common sense here. If you do t respect the dog. Do it a favor and pass on getting it. I hope criminal charges are filed and executed against you all.

  5. Avatar Of Alice Schaefer

    Alice Schaefer


    They are K-9 units…..their partner is a DOG or else they would not be K-9 units!! How hard is that to understand? Would you forget your partner if he/she were a human??NO! Your PARTNER man or dog…..rides in the FRONT SEAT safely belted in like any other partner does!! Hard to understand?? I don’t think so!!

  6. Avatar Of Shirley Bruninghous

    Shirley Bruninghous


    What the hell guys? You’re concerned after the fact? I’m sickened at the thought of what this beautiful animal when thru. Cough up some tax dollars to pay back for the pup and a big donation to a local shelter. And while you’re at it why not get some training your selves.

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