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Canine Criminal – Caught on Tape!

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When the Tampa Police Department discovered an increase in the number of reported cell phone thefts in their jurisdiction, it was all paws on deck to find the culprit!

The Tampa Police Department is taking extra reports these days on cell phone thefts. Many of which could be avoided. You wouldn’t leave your wallet unattended – treat your cell phone just like your wallet. While we love interacting with our citizens, we don’t want to meet you because we are taking a police report for your stolen phone. And remember, don’t leave your cell phone in your car where the criminals can see it AND always lock your car doors.

Watch how this sly canine criminal got away with it, and learn how to protect your property from theft!

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  1. Avatar Of Smisprome Smisprome says:

    S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g a­t h­o­m­e w­i­t­h G­o­o­g­l­e­! I­t­¿­s b­y­-­f­a­r t­h­e b­e­s­t j­o­b I­v­e h­a­d. L­a­s­t M­o­n­d­a­y I­ g­o­t a n­e­w A­l­f­a R­o­m­e­o f­r­o­m b­r­i­n­g­i­n­g i­n $­7­­7­7­8­­. I s­t­a­r­t­e­d t­h­i­s 9 m­o­n­th­s ­a­g­o a­n­d p­r­act­i­c­a­l­l­y ­s­t­r­a­i­g­h­t a­w­a­y s­t­a­r­t­e­d m­a­k­i­n­g m­o­r­e t­h­a­n $­8­3 p­e­r ­h­o­u­r­. I w­o­r­k t­h­r­o­u­g­h ­­t­h­i­s l­i­n­k—–>

  2. Avatar Of Tim Winfrey

    Tim Winfrey


    Ian. even though Emily`s story is super… on sunday I bought a gorgeous GMC when I got my check for $4499 this past 4 weeks and in excess of ten-grand last-month. this is definitely the nicest job Ive ever done. I started this five months/ago and almost immediately started to make minimum $82 per/hr. Read Full Report

  3. Avatar Of Trish



    Really Cute video. Certainly gets the message out there.

  4. Avatar Of Diane Conroy

    Diane Conroy


    Shame on you Razzy, you know better….

  5. Avatar Of Jannina



    This is a really cute video….. I loved it….

  6. Avatar Of Helen



    *This is the cuties video ever…Such a precious dog*

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