Dogs & Laws

Dog Dies in Locked SUV at Arizona Shopping Mall

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Phoenix police are investigating a possible case of animal cruelty after a dog died inside a locked SUV in a mall parking lot while his owner shopped.

Around 3:30pm on Monday, officers were called to the Christown Spectrum Mall in Phoenix, Arizona after reports of a dog locked in a hot car. Outside temperatures were hovering around 110-degrees midday, and central Arizona is under an official Excessive Heat Warning.

The 1-year old Pit Bull mix, Rader, was still alive when a mall security officer discovered him inside the vehicle, but by the time police arrived and entered the SUV, the dog was dead.

Police questioned the owner who said she’d been shopping in the mall for at least an hour while her dog lay dying in the hot car. She was not arrested and no charges have been filed as of yet. However, the investigation may result in animal cruelty charges.



  1. Avatar Of Frances


    Jun 8, 2014 at 4:54 pm

    What is there to investigate? Just charge her with the harshest animal cruelty charge the state has.

  2. Avatar Of Beth


    Jun 5, 2014 at 3:18 pm

    THEY SHOULD TAKE HER KIDS AWAY IF SHE’S THAT DUMB. Anyone who has no care for a living being, should NOT have kids. I’m sorry even a child would know it is too hot in a car for a dog. This sickens me, she should have been arrested on the spot and her kids taken into children services. She should have to pay with everything she has for the cruelty to this precious baby! Or stick her a** in the car for an hour and see how she feels.
    This is horrible. RIP poor baby, now you don’t have to worry about having a irresponsible, dumb, care taker. If you can call her a care taker.

  3. Avatar Of Julia


    Jun 5, 2014 at 4:43 am


  4. Avatar Of Dave


    Jun 5, 2014 at 12:17 am

    Where does the ‘might’ come in? She needs jailing along with any other moron that do this. The security guard should have popped the window. I most certainly would have done. Common sense as ever is not so common!

  5. Avatar Of Joe


    Jun 4, 2014 at 10:47 pm

    Maybe if more people prayed, God would have covered the skies with cooler clouds and this dog would have lived. Now then. How about we turn all this attention on to the millions of HUMANS who die every day of starvation and no access to medical care or clean water. If you are going to spend time starting a petition, get mad and start a petition for that instead.. Or, do nothing and pray and then feel like you actually contributed something.

    • Avatar Of Mia


      Jun 4, 2014 at 11:21 pm

      Dogs are no less valuable than humans, you ignorant **. If you have nothing nice to say about those who care enough about other living beings unlike you than don’t say anything and go spend more time contributing to causes that you believe in.

      • Avatar Of D. Hamilton

        D. Hamilton

        Jun 4, 2014 at 11:27 pm

        Omg give me a break. There is a time and place to be saddened for all animals included. Get off your soapbox

        • Avatar Of Julia


          Jun 5, 2014 at 5:01 am

          F*ck you D. Hamilton!!! I can’t wait for karma to come around and bite you in your a** You heartless piece of sh*t

        • Avatar Of Jsnide


          Jun 5, 2014 at 7:17 pm

          D. Hamilton, let’s hope you cannot procreate, if so, you should be sterilized! You should sit in a car that hot and see what happens to you!!

    • Avatar Of Pa


      Jun 5, 2014 at 11:04 am

      I am so sick and tired of people like you who say we must only have compassion for HUMAN victims. This poor dog suffered and died because of the irresponsible actions of this woman. Why would she take her dog along to a trip to the mall, in a black vehicle, with the windows up, on a hot day? I hope they do charge her with animal cruelty, she deserves it! I feel sorry for you Joe, for you to feel sympathy for one who has been mistreated, you have to check to see if they are human or not. That should have nothing to do with it. After all dogs are Gods creatures too!

    • Avatar Of Julie


      Jun 5, 2014 at 2:34 pm

      I find humor in your post Joe. Why do humans think they are so superior to any and every other living creature? I’d probably take a dog or you any day.

      • Avatar Of Julie


        Jun 5, 2014 at 2:36 pm

        Typo…a dog over you any day 🙂

  6. Avatar Of Janet Kelly

    Janet Kelly

    Jun 4, 2014 at 10:03 pm


  7. Avatar Of Michele B

    Michele B

    Jun 4, 2014 at 9:26 pm

  8. Avatar Of Dottie Weirich

    Dottie Weirich

    Jun 4, 2014 at 7:45 pm

    She she never cared about that poor dog, she never even gave it a second thought! Probably thought he was there to GUARD her car nothing else.

  9. Avatar Of Robyn


    Jun 4, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    We have to stop looking at pets as “property”. They are living breathing and feeling beings. Animal abuse of any kind should be treated as a crime. People should be held accountable for their actions. If people can’t bring themselves to give jail time ( which I think they should) for these actions then hit people where it may hurt more, their pocketbook. People get a ticket for speeding, parking etc, fine them for these actions and if they don’t pay they get a warrant put out for their arrest. The LEAST we can do is treat animal abuse as we do parking tickets.

  10. Avatar Of Mogilb


    Jun 4, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    MAY be charged with animal cruelty? There is no way
    in hell this is anything but animal cruelty! Just
    the excuse that she’s stupid as hell won’t fly! Every
    year, every town in this country publicizes the fact
    that animals die when in closed vehicles; there is
    absolutely NO EXCUSE! I partially blame the security
    people who didn’t do something before calling the police!

    In my area, your window will be broken! Period!

    • Avatar Of Dottie Weirich

      Dottie Weirich

      Jun 4, 2014 at 7:41 pm

      I am in TOTAL agreement with do not wait, break the darn window!!

  11. Avatar Of Belinda Everson

    Belinda Everson

    Jun 4, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    How could the bystanders do NOTHING? Break a stupid window for Gods sake! You are right, you can’t fix stupid. It was a LIFE. You don’t just stand around, you DO something. I’m surprised the idiot woman didn’t leave her child too.

  12. Avatar Of Betty


    Jun 4, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    OK Please explain WHY people take their animals so that the owners can go FUCKIN SHOPPING?!??!?! Cemorr’s right, you can fix stupidity. Dumb cow definitely should be fined! UGH these poor animals. JUST WHY??????????????????

  13. Avatar Of Sandrine


    Jun 4, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    OK… Tell me again why the people who discovered the dog (still alive) did not break the window, and then looked for the “irresponsible” owner. Com’on people! let’s get it together

  14. Avatar Of Lisa


    Jun 4, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    Why were no charges filed? It’s animal cruelty to leave a dog in a hot car. She should be charged and do time. And NEVER own an animal again. Because the cops and courts do nothing – people continue to do this. Arrest and educate the rest.

    • Avatar Of Mogilb


      Jun 4, 2014 at 7:21 pm

      I hope she does not get a pass on getting to own another
      animal and kill it also? I’ll personally go to jail and
      pay a fine if I have to, but I WILL break a window; I’ve already
      done so!!!

  15. Avatar Of Cemorr


    Jun 4, 2014 at 1:41 pm

    Unfortunately, you can’t fix stupid. She needs to at least be fined so it ‘hits home’ that she was responsible for taking a life. That puppy only saw 12 months thanks to this selfish, stupid woman.

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