Dogs & Laws

Dog Walker Locks 8 Dogs in Hot Van While She Shops at the Mall

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Just A Few Of The 8 Dogs Left Tied Inside Their Dog Walker'S Van, Without Water Or Cool Air, While She Shopped At The Mall.
Just a few of the 8 dogs left tied inside their dog walker’s van, without water or cool air, while she shopped at the mall.

With the windows down, the doors locked, and the sun beating down, 8 dogs were trapped, leashed in the back of a box truck, while their dog walker – the woman hired to care for them – went shopping at the mall.

It was warm in San Francisco last week, about 70-degrees. And, with the truck parked in direct sunlight, temperatures inside could easily have reached triple-digits during the 2 and a half hours that Pamela Uberti, the owner of 4 Your Paws Only dog walking and pet sitting service, was shopping.

Passersby told KRON4 that they heard barking – and lots of it. Witnesses claim the dogs were clearly in distress, struggling and without water.

Witnesses called police who sent Animal Control to the scene. Animal Control officers said the dogs were ok and were in no immediate danger, therefore let them remain in Uberti’s custody. They did say, however, that Uberti, while not criminally charged, will likely lose her dog walking license.

Uberti’s website, 4 Your Paws Only, claims to offer excellent dog walking and in-home pet care services “with the highest standards.” They also claim to offer “tender loving care” and to “provide lots of water during outdoor adventures.”

Clearly not.



  1. Avatar Of Audri Tarr

    Audri Tarr

    Jul 7, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    This is totally stupid on the dog walker’s part, but please people, use common sense before EVER taking a dog out of a car unless the dog is in obvious distress. You don’t know the dog or how the dog will react. You may be bit, the dog may get injured jumping from the car, or being hit by a car or worse the dog may run away never to be found. Unless you have leashes, etc. and are absolutely certain that the dog is in distress, call the police or animal control and let them handle it. I have stood outside cars and watched animals inside a car to make sure they are ok until the owners have come back. In one case, the owner had a fan going, water and cooling mats so the dog was perfectly fine but I couldn’t see those from my vantage point. I not only transport dogs for rescue but travel extensively with my own dogs. There ae simply times when I HAVE to leave them in the van. I have a thermometer that is inside the car that remotely tells me the temperature inside the van when I leave them. I take every precaution I can including buying a light colored van with tinted windows. If you break into a car and cannot prove the dog is in distress, you are also likely to be arrested.

  2. Avatar Of John Bauman

    John Bauman

    Jun 17, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    I agree you need to be careful, but this smells like media drama. I find it unlikely it was hot. Boston’s can’t handle the heat and would have their tongue out. It is a characteristic of the breed. Anyone know the temperature on this day in the area?

    • Avatar Of Audri Tarr

      Audri Tarr

      Jul 7, 2014 at 3:48 pm

      article said 70 degrees and with the windows open, I find it unlikely that it was that warm in the van. Also, all the dogs are standing. If they were in distress, they would be laying down with tongues out.

  3. Avatar Of Isel


    Jun 17, 2014 at 10:59 am

    It could have quickly gotten worse and I’m not happy that all that person will lose is a license.

  4. Avatar Of Jo Anne Otterstrom

    Jo Anne Otterstrom

    Jun 17, 2014 at 9:20 am

    I am NOT defending this person in any way, but seems many didn’t read the part where the windows were DOWN…Calling the police was right, and I agree she should NEVER be allowed to have anything to do with animals in the future…

    • Avatar Of Jean


      Jun 17, 2014 at 10:41 am


      • Avatar Of Stacie


        Jun 17, 2014 at 11:25 am

        Although it isn’t an excuse the article in fact says she did leave the windows down. I’m not supporting her I’m just correct this person as I hate it when people don’t read things properly ugh.
        She deserves a hell of a lot more than her ‘licence taken away’ That is disgraceful and she could easily do it again. Stupid evil bitch. I’d love the same to happen to her.

        • Avatar Of Diane


          Sep 8, 2014 at 6:18 am

          Actually, no the report did not say the windows were down, it said clearly that the windows were closed.

          • Avatar Of Diane


            Sep 8, 2014 at 6:21 am

            Correction: although the writer of the article accidentally said the windows were down, she should have said they were up/closed. The video news clip states that they were closed.

  5. Avatar Of Sur S

    Sur S

    Jun 17, 2014 at 7:23 am

    Fire the animal control officers
    They are ignorant and incompetent

    • Avatar Of Audri Tarr

      Audri Tarr

      Jul 7, 2014 at 3:31 pm

      why fire the animal control officer? If the animals are NOT in distress, they legally cannot do anything. They did their job. I am NOT defending the dog walker because if she is taking money for dog walking, then why is she spending 2.5 hours in a mall shopping. If you are stopping for treats, water, etc. it is one thing, NOT shopping. Sorry!

  6. Avatar Of Sylvia M

    sylvia m

    Jun 17, 2014 at 3:09 am

    This piece of sh!@ I hope everyone stops their business with her and always researches a company that provides this type of service. I would be standing in front of her place and shaming her. It is a good thing that it didn’t turn out badly these poor doggies.

  7. Avatar Of Gwynn Wallace

    Gwynn Wallace

    Jun 16, 2014 at 11:45 pm

    This is wrong , the sitter should have been fined and put in jail , i am Glad. she didnt have my dogs

  8. Avatar Of Mogil


    Jun 16, 2014 at 11:43 pm

    My question is who the hell is the so-called animal control officer?
    He/she should be fired immediately and be banned from working with animals
    until they’re adequately trained to do so! They are obviously not animal
    lovers, so why have the job!

    • Avatar Of Tara


      Jun 16, 2014 at 11:50 pm

      absolutely!!! 2 1/2 HOURS???!!! they were NOT okay… or not, 2 1/2hrs without liquids is dangerous…add hot…and it’s torture…and potential murder….!!
      and i’d make sure everyone who lives any where in her vicinity know her name….and end her career with pets…abuse should not be tolerated..and we really have to stop letting it go on…
      until there is no longer a need….

  9. Avatar Of Jill Robertson

    jill robertson

    Jun 16, 2014 at 9:52 pm

    6 dogs DIED recently in Langley, B.C. under the exact same circumstances. A dog walker left her “clients” in a hot vehicle and went shopping. She made matters worse by dumping the bodies and heading to a dog park where she claimed the dogs were stolen. Very tragic affair.

  10. Avatar Of Frances


    Jun 16, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    “will likely lose her dog walking license”
    I sure hope she will. Hope the group she was working for fires her. If the company does not have higher standards than this, I pray for any animal in their care.

    • Avatar Of Laura


      Jun 16, 2014 at 6:31 pm

      It’s her company. There is no one to fire her and she’s not likely to fire herself. Some states don’t require licenses for this type of work and there is nothing preventing her from moving her business out of state.

      Let’s hope her finances won’t allow it. This is cruel and no one who does this should be entrusted with dogs, cats or any other pet/animal.

      Atrocious behavior! I know she was probably busy…it’s the nature of the business. But that is no excuse. Hire help!

  11. Avatar Of Moe


    Jun 16, 2014 at 5:00 pm

    Don’t bother with animal control next time. Just smash the person’s window so the dogs can get some air and leave them a note about why bad things happen to irresponsible people.

    • Avatar Of Mirjam Da Thesta

      Mirjam da Thesta

      Jun 16, 2014 at 5:07 pm

      I agree!!

    • Avatar Of Audri Tarr

      Audri Tarr

      Jul 7, 2014 at 3:37 pm

      Sorry, if you smash the windows, unless the dogs are in obvious distress, you can not only be arrested, but can make matters worse for both you and the dogs. One of my dogs would be likely to bite anyone who tried to smash the windows unless she was overcome with heat. This could potentially have her put down for biting. Another one of my dogs would likely run away. Now there is the potential for him being hit by a car. Calling the police or animal control is the way to go unless the dog is in very obvious distress. Please use common sense. I had someone go nuts on me with my dogs in the car and someone was in the car with them! If she had attempted to break my windows she would have been arrested for breaking and entering.

  12. Avatar Of Tandi Noggle

    Tandi Noggle

    Jun 16, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    Our laws are so beyond SLACK when it comes to how we treat animals. PATHETIC!

    • Avatar Of Norman Joy

      Norman Joy

      Jun 16, 2014 at 8:17 pm

      I would have take all the dogs and let her explain herself to the owners how she lost them. Take the dogs to the police station, fire department or nearest Vets office and let the owners retrieve them there.

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