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Guinness Names The World’s Tallest Dog

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Guinness World Records has just named their winner for World’s Tallest Dog! Zeus, a 3-year old Great Dane, stands 44-inches tall, knocking his predecessor, Giant George (who was a staggering 43-inches tall) from the prestigious position.

Weighing in at a whopping 155-pounds, Zeus consumes a 30-pound bag of food every two weeks! But, despite his stature, owner Denise Doorlag says he has a very laid back personality, that he is gentle to everyone he meets. Because of his wonderful personality, Zeus is also a certified pet therapy dog.

See Zeus in action in this video below – just wait til you see him walk right up to the kitchen sink for a drink!

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Judith Bennett

    Judith Bennett


    This is such a cool website. I do have a question concerning your pet not coming to you when you call for him or her. I do not yell at ( and in this case its a male) Tebow. But he looks at me like I have bugs crawling all over me. Anyway I will be in touch about this and a few other issues. We found our Miniture Pincher at a Petsmart thru Pawsabilities ( a rescue group). We named him Tebow. Talk to you soon.

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