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New Leash on Life: Tortured Dog Gets Prosthetic Paws

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A  special dog has gotten a “new leash on life” since the Canine Miracles dog shelter in Mexico City rescued the playful pup.

The victim of a violent act by criminal gangs in Mexico, Lemon Pie was found dumped in a garbage bin, his front two paws brutally removed. When he arrived at Canine Miracles, they knew he would need special help in order to walk and play again.

That’s when the group raised over $8,000 to get Lemon Pie two front prosthetic paws, given him the freedom to romp and play like a dog again.

In this touching video from BBC News, see how one dog went from hopeless and tortured to loved and adored by the world. With the help of so many dog devotees, Lemon Pie now has the chance at a life he deserves – to be happy.

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  1. Avatar Of Lynn Walters

    Lynn Walters


    This world has become so de-sensitized that tortureing animals has almost become a pastime.Accepted by many,”Oh , it’s only a (fill in the blank) .But please never say that so I can hear it..I love Dotties post ,Dottie which also is my Parson Russel terriers name. She was abused a a youngster also..Then we took her..Took a while for her to forget but now she’s a great friend……

  2. Avatar Of Dottie Weirich

    Dottie Weirich


    I’m with you Sherrill, these crule and down right saddistic people young / old it doesn’t matter to be, need to have a taste of their own medicine! There are NO excuses for this kind of heartlessness! Thank God for the organiztions & wondefull medical staff that give a better & new chance at life for the ones who can’t speak for themselves! I find great comfort in the knowledge God will judge and they can’t get away from nor lie to him!
    <3<3<3DOG is GOD spelled backwards – wonder why?<3<3<3

  3. Avatar Of Sherrill Benson

    sherrill benson


    What is this world coming to? There has been so many awfull things that have been done to animals.I don’t understand it at all.If there is any being that is perfect on this earth it has to be our animals.

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