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Lovable Hero Lifeguards

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We have all heard true stories of dogs rushing into burning buildings to pull a child or adult to safety, but are you aware there are hero lifeguard dogs that leap from boats, shore, and even helicopters to save drowning humans and other animals? These dogs are the very epitome of why so many people feel dogs are man’s best friends. When a dog rushes fearlessly into a dangerous situation to save a life it is easy to say these hero lifeguard dogs are indeed man’s best friends.

These hero lifeguard dogs can be found all around the world saving lives, and there is an excellent possibility the dog and his handler were trained in Italy. This nation has been training dogs to save the lives of people who visit the beautiful ocean beaches and lakes of this nation for over twenty years. Many of these people become caught in rip-tides, under water currents, boaters who are in trouble and those who are just poor swimmers who have swum too far from shore.

These are very intelligent and brave canines. The three most common breeds to undergo this extensive training are the Labradors, Newfoundlands, and Golden Retrievers. The dogs are trained by expert trainers for three years before “passing” the rescue course, and all of these dogs must weigh at least 66 pounds. Because they are tasked with pulling water soaked adults as well as boats full of people safely to shore, this weight limit is required for the dog to physically have the strength to power through what can be high seas and fast flowing water. Also used by the Italian Coast Guard, these dogs are attributed with saving many of the roughly 3,000 humans rescued from the waters of Italy annually. They always work with a human handler who has been their primary trainer, and working as a team they save lives.

These hero lifeguard dogs and their exploits are a true testimony of how much dogs care about people.

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  4. Avatar Of C M

    C M


    The article is great, but WHY??? did you put a pug in the picture??????

  5. Avatar Of Dottie



    Wonderful dogs and the people who train & love them!!! Thank You!

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