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Meet Jake, the Most Adorable Canine Water Boy in the World!

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He’s known as ‘the best darn dog in professional baseball.’ And that description couldn’t be more accurate! Though he’s best known for his duties as a canine water boy, this handsome doggo has lots of duties on the field!

Canine Water Boy
Jake the Diamond Dog carrying a basket of water to umpires at a recent Fort Wayne TinCaps game.

In addition to delivering ice cold water to thirsty umpires at minor league baseball games around the country, Jake the Diamond Dog carries the game ball to the pitcher, retrieves foul balls, serves double-duty as bat boy, and, most importantly, puts smiles on the faces of everyone in the crowd!

Just watch this American sweetheart in action!

Here’s Jake carrying a basket of ice cold water bottles to umpires:

And here’s our favorite canine water boy serving double-duty as a bat boy!

Lucky for America, Jake doesn’t belong to any one team, but travels the nation bringing water (and smiles!) to thirsty umpires everywhere! Follow his Facebook Page to find out when he’ll be in your town!

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