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Missing German Shepherd Found Swimming a Mile Offshore!

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Image Via Rnli
Image via RNLI

Storm, an 8-year old German Shepherd, had been missing since Sunday when vandals damaged a fence, allowing him to escape his yard. Despite his family’s desperate search to find him and several reported sightings, five days had passed without him returning home.

That is until Thursday when two young men spotted a dog matching Storm’s description chasing a seagull into the English Channel in Hastings, England.

The Dover Coast Guard dispatched The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) after Storm swam into the channel and disappeared from view.

Within a few minutes of receiving the call, the volunteers with the RNLI found Storm – a mile off shore! After chasing after a seagull, Storm was caught in a current and swept out to sea.

If not for the concerned workmen that spotted a dog alone in the water quickly contacting the Coast Guard, and the volunteers from RNLI acting quickly to find him, Storm certainly would not have survived.

Image Via Rnli.
Image via RNLI.

Volunteers pulled the wet, weak, cold and exhausted senior pooch into the lifeboat and brought him back to the station where he was reunited with his elated family before being rushed to the vet.

Storm was treated for exhaustion and hypothermia. He is now resting comfortably at home.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Thank goodness it was a good ending for the pup and family.

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