Dogs & Laws

NY Animal Control Officer Charged with Animal Cruelty

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The Town of Pompey, New York’s animal control officer has now resigned after more than 200 dogs, mostly small breeds, and 50 cats were found at her home in Tully, living in deplorable conditions with many covered in urine and feces.

Local SPCA investigators worked late into Monday night removing as many dogs as possible. They returned Tuesday to rescue the remaining dogs and cats.

Animal cruelty charges have been filed against the homeowner who happened to be the Town of Pompey’s animal control officer, Susan Snavlin. Snavlin resigned from her position after the animals were found on her property.

Now, over 200 dogs and 50 cats must be seen by a veterinarian, treated for any illness or injury, and processed into the CNYSPCA shelter which is now filled above capacity.

Reports show that Snavlin meant no harm to the animals, that the situation got far out of hand. She began bringing animals home in an effort to rescue them and before long was overwhelmed. Snavlin claims to love each and every animal removed from her home.

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