Old Dog New Trick

VIDEO: Old Dogs CAN Learn Tricks

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I wish I knew where that adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” came from because nothing could be farther from the truth.  In fact, as this video from Howcast.com shows, old dogs can learn new tricks. In just six simple steps, the old labrador learns to shake hands.  But you can use these six steps to teach your old dog anything from shaking hands to going to bed.  Keep in mind that old dogs aren’t as agile as young dogs so avoid teaching your old dog how to jump up or over things.  Not that he wouldn’t do it for you, but because it isn’t good for his joints.

Old dogs CAN learn tricks with this easy six-step training method, patience and a few dog treats.

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  1. Avatar Of Amelia Poopy Pants

    amelia poopy pants


    what the heck there is no video. why do people follow this internet thingy.

  2. Avatar Of Judy



    I have taught all my 6 (current) dogs to ‘shake paws’ because when we walk in the neighborhood, the little kids like to ‘greet’ my dogs … and they get so tickled that my dogs will shake hands with them!

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