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RECALL ALERT: Bailey’s Choice Chicken Jerky Dog Treats

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The Georgia-based dog treat manufacturer Bailey’s Choice Pet Treats has announced a recall of certain lots of their chicken jerky treats due to possible contamination with the Salmonella bacteria. The treats involved are primarily sold in and around the Georgia area.

According to a post on the manufacturer’s Facebook page today,

Bailey’s Choice is issuing a voluntary recall of our chicken jerky treats that have two lot dates: June 5, 2013 and October 8, 2013. These two lots tested positive for salmonella. We have had no reports of anyone or any pet becoming sick. These treats will not harm your dog, dogs digestive systems are designed for eating raw food. It is more dangerous to humans. As with all raw foods, after handling jerky products, we recommend washing your hands thoroughly. We are working with the GA Dept of Agriculture closely to recall the effected lots. We will have more details here as they become available.

If you have purchased or are feeding the effected products, discontinue use immediately and contact Bailey’s Choice at for more information using their website’s contact form here:

Please note, these treats are not imported from China or made from Chinese ingredients and are not a part of the massive investigation by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Smisprome Smisprome says:

    S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g a­t h­o­m­e w­i­t­h G­o­o­g­l­e­! I­t­¿­s b­y­-­f­a­r t­h­e b­e­s­t j­o­b I­v­e h­a­d. L­a­s­t M­o­n­d­a­y I­ g­o­t a n­e­w A­l­f­a R­o­m­e­o f­r­o­m b­r­i­n­g­i­n­g i­n $­7­­7­7­8­­. I s­t­a­r­t­e­d t­h­i­s 9 m­o­n­th­s ­a­g­o a­n­d p­r­act­i­c­a­l­l­y ­s­t­r­a­i­g­h­t a­w­a­y s­t­a­r­t­e­d m­a­k­i­n­g m­o­r­e t­h­a­n $­8­3 p­e­r ­h­o­u­r­. I w­o­r­k t­h­r­o­u­g­h ­­t­h­i­s l­i­n­k—–>

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