Dogs & Laws

Terrifying Video Serves as Important Reminder When Traveling With Dogs

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A Colorado woman took to social media to warn dog owners just how important it is to consider your dog’s safety when they’re joining you on the road after her dash camera captured a dog jumping out of a window and right into the middle of traffic on I-70 in Lakewood.

Erica Robles Kannely posted the video (below) to Facebook with the following caption:

Oh wow! My heart is beating so fast after watching this video that Mike caught while driving on the highway today! This could have been so much worse!! Please share so people can see how dangerous it is to let our dogs look out the window! Thank God there was traffic so they weren’t going too fast! I am so guilty of letting my dogs look out the windows while I drive. But NEVER again!

WARNING: This video contains profanity.

Remember, when traveling by car, to always secure your dog with a crash-tested vehicle harness or inside a crate. Also, check local laws – many require dogs to be restrained inside a vehicle.

For more vehicle safety tips for dog parents, check out these 12 Tips for Traveling by Car With Dogs.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Of Bess



    Sadly people tend to think. Not my dog. It won’t happen to me. My dog is too well trained and behaves. One gal said she won’t crate or fasten her dog in the car because one time she had a wreck and if the dog had been in a crate the dog would have been crushed. There are ways around that. If they cared enough to take the time. The same with tying a dog in the back of the truck. A friend saw the dog in front of them try to jump out of the truck when it saw a squirrel in the tree near the road. The dog slammed against the side of the truck. The dog had to be put down because of the internal injuries it sustained. The dog seemed fine at first but she insisted the dog go to the vet because he hit so hard. And the officer backed her up. The guy was ticked because she was just being dramatic. Turned out she wasn’t.

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