About Adopting

Tips For Adoption

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Considering adding a dog to the family? If so there are several different avenues you can take, and all lead to bringing home a new dog or puppy. Most people like the idea of adopting a homeless dog and I am certainly one of these people. You can also find a quality dog breeder for the dog but this has one big drawback: very expensive. Often the practical option is visiting one of the local animal rescue shelters and choosing a dog from the hundreds you will see. With this in mind, below you will find a few tips for dog adoption to help guide you through the process.

One of the initial tips for dog adoption I wish to cover concerns the dogs themselves. A common misperception is all dogs in animal rescue shelters and humane societies are mean, unhealthy, old, and unattainable dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth. The vast majority of the canines you will find in these shelters are young adults and puppies who have ended up there due to circumstances beyond their control. Normal reasons why the dog has ended up in the shelter include the owner passing away, the previous owner has become ill and is no longer able to care for the dog, loss of a job and the dog is an expense the owner cannot deal with, change of job requiring a relocation where the dog is not welcome or allowed, and so on.

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