Boarding/Day Care

Tips For Choosing a Boarding Kennel

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It’s not always possible to take your dog with you when you travel. So, finding the right place to board your best friend while you’re away is important for your peace of mind, and his health and safety. If you choose to board your dog in a kennel, it’s a good idea to prepare in advance and find the right facility well in advance of your trip. We found these great tips for choosing a boarding kennel from the Humane Society of the United States.

Tips for Choosing a Boarding Kennel

Your pet depends on you to take good care of her—even when you have to be out of town. Friends and neighbors may not have the experience or time to properly look after your pet, particularly for longer trips. Leave pet care to the professionals, such as a pet sitter or boarding kennel.

A facility specializing in care and overnight boarding allows your pet to:

  • Avoid the stress of a long car or airplane ride to your destination.
  • Stay where he’s welcome (unlike many hotels).
  • Receive more attention and supervision than he would if home alone most of the day.
  • Be monitored by staff trained to spot health problems.
  • Be secure in a kennel designed to foil canine and feline escape artists.

Potential drawbacks to using a boarding kennel include:

  • The stress related to staying in an unfamiliar environment.
  • The proximity to other pets, who may expose your pet to health problems.
  • The difficulty of finding a kennel that accepts pets other than dogs and cats.
  • The inconvenience of the drive over, which can be especially hard on a pet easily stressed by car travel.

How to find a good kennel

Ask a friend, neighbor, veterinarian, animal shelter, or dog trainer for a recommendation. You can also check the Yellow Pages under “Kennels & Pet Boarding.” Once you have names, it’s important to do a little background check.

First, find out whether your state requires boarding kennel inspections. If it does, make sure the kennel you are considering displays a license or certificate showing that the kennel meets mandated standards.

Also ask whether the prospective kennel belongs to The Pet Care Services Association, a trade association founded by kennel operators to promote professional standards of pet care. Besides requiring members to subscribe to a code of ethics, The Pet Care Services Association offers voluntary facility accreditation that indicates the facility has been inspected and meets its standards of professionalism, safety, and quality of care. Check with your Better Business Bureau to see whether any complaints have been lodged against a kennel you are considering.

After selecting a few kennels, confirm that they can accommodate your pet for specific dates and can address your pet’s special needs (if any). If you’re satisfied, schedule a visit.

What to look for

On your visit, ask to see all the places your pet may be taken. Pay particular attention to the following:

  • Does the facility look and smell clean?
  • Is there sufficient ventilation and light?
  • Is a comfortable temperature maintained?
  • Does the staff seem knowledgeable and caring?
  • Are pets required to be current on their vaccinations, including the vaccine for canine kennel cough (Bordetella)? (Such a requirement helps protect your animal and others.)
  • Does each dog have his own adequately sized indoor-outdoor run or an indoor run and a schedule for exercise?
  • Are outdoor runs and exercise areas protected from wind, rain, and snow?
  • Are resting boards and bedding provided to allow dogs to rest off the concrete floor?
  • Are cats housed away from dogs?
  • Is there enough space for cats to move around comfortably?
  • Is there enough space between the litter box and food bowls?
  • How often are pets fed?
  • Can the owner bring a pet’s special food?
  • What veterinary services are available?
  • Are other services available such as grooming, training, bathing?
  • How are rates calculated?

How to prepare your pet

Be sure your pet knows basic commands and is well socialized around other people and pets; if your pet has an aggression problem or is otherwise unruly, she may not be a good candidate for boarding. Before taking your animal to the kennel, make sure she is current on vaccinations.

It’s also a good idea to accustom your pet to longer kennel stays by first boarding her during a short trip, such as a weekend excursion. This allows you to work out any problems before boarding your pet for an extended period.

Before you head for the kennel, double-check that you have your pet’s medications and special food (if any), your veterinarian’s phone number, and contact information for you and a local backup.

When you arrive with your pet at the boarding facility, remind the staff about any medical or behavior problems your pet has, such as a history of epilepsy or fear of thunder. After the check-in process, hand your pet to a staff member, say good-bye, and leave. Avoid long, emotional partings, which may upset your pet. Finally, have a good trip, knowing that your pet is in good hands and will be happy to see you when you return.

Read more from the Humane Society here. Have you ever had to leave your dog in a boarding kennel while you were away? Tell us about your experiences and any other tips you have for choosing a boarding kennel in the comments below!

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  1. Brandy, you made a good point when you said that a dog boarding facility would provide excellent care for my pet dog since they’ll provide attention and supervision while I’m gone. I agree that that is better than leaving the pet at home alone. My husband and I plan to have a staycation at a nearby hotel for our anniversary. I’ll start looking for a reputable dog boarding facility for our two pet dogs because of what you said. Thanks.

  2. I appreciate the reminder that even if we don’t have anyone near us that could take care of our dog, we should find someone that could be an emergency contact while we’re away if something happens. My father-in-law just passed away and we’re going to leave for a weekend to be there for the funeral. If we decide to go with a boarding kennel, we’ll have to do our best to make sure our dog is safe while we’re away.

  3. Good article! Thanks for the information. I am worried that after going to work where will I board my puppy and who will take care of them properly. But after reading this post most of my doubt got clear. Thank you for sharing such an informative post on it.

  4. Avatar Of Oliver Ray Oliver Ray says:

    I like how you mentioned that a dog boarding facility will allow the dog not to be so stressed or uncomfortable like a trip away from home would be. We have a dog and we can’t bear to leave it alone, but we don’t know anyone in the area. We’ll have to look for a boarding place for him to be at while we are gone next month on business trips.

  5. These are some great ideas for finding a dog boarding place. We are leaving on vacation pretty soon, so I want to find a place to leave our two dogs for the weeks. Finding a place with protected outdoor exercise areas is super important to me!

  6. I didn't realize that teaching your pet basic commands can help your pet be prepared for a boarding service. My wife and I are going on a business trip to Europe next month. Hopefully, we can use this info to help our husky be ready for our departure.

  7. Avatar Of Kyle Winters Kyle Winters says:

    You really have to be careful when choosing a boarding kennel for your pet. However, the article gives some great advice on how to do so. I particularly like that it encourages readers to choose a kennel that is part of a nationally recognized association.

  8. We will be traveling for an extended period of time next month, and we want to make sure our pet is well taken care of. We have a chihuahua and it's definitely important to us that he is getting the attention and care needed. As you said, looking at the cleanliness of a facility is a great indicator and thing to consider when choosing a boarding place. We'll be sure to do this as well as remember your other tips to find the best place for him.

  9. Brandy, I really like the idea to ask a veterinarian where to board your dog. My wife and I have been planning on traveling and we want to keep him safe and secure. I definitely think that we should consider looking for a proper facility where our dog could feel safe and secure.

  10. Avatar Of Scott Scott says:

    I like that you recommend to ask the vet if they have any recommendations of where your pet could stay while you are away. I can see why they would know of the higher quality places because they work in the industry. It might even be good to ask if they have any clients that you could call and ask them about it. I think that it is a good idea to get as much information as possible before committing.

  11. A friend of mine is getting ready to go out of town, but wasn't sure how he was going to choose a boarding facility for his cat. I really like that you say to check how often the pets are fed. It would be nice to know that they are going to get all the food they will need for the time you are gone.

  12. Avatar Of Jenna Hunter Jenna Hunter says:

    I am frequently traveling and need a place to house my 2 dogs while I am away. I found it helpful that this article specified about special food for pets. My dogs have special food that they eat in the morning. Thanks for helping me resolve my problem!

  13. My job requires me to constantly travel around. Along with that, I have a dog that I love. Although, I have to constantly find places for her to stay. Each time is really hard, but maybe it’d be easier if she had a nice kennel.

  14. Avatar Of John Roberts John Roberts says:

    You give some great advice here. Thanks for sharing those important things to look for when choosing a good boarding kennel. This will really help pet owners.

  15. Fetch! Pet Care is the Petaluma dogboarding destination. If you are looking for someone to take care of your little one, then look no further! We are staffed with dog lovers who understand the importance of providing love, and undivided attention to your four legged friend. We are licensed, bonded and insured, so you can rest assured that your dog will be in the best hands.

  16. Avatar Of Robert Brewer

    Robert Brewer


    Good article! Thanks for the information. It would have been better if you write something about dog walking. Because dogs loves to walk. They never wish to just sit in the kennel. Expecting more good articles. Thank you.

  17. I wouldn’t board a dog in a typical “kennel,” but a pet resort that offers comfortable accommodations and fun activities for your pet. You can find a good place using the keyword “dog boarding” rather than “kennel” in a Google Search. “Kennels” can be any place with a room and a crate/cage. I agree with the author of this article – leave pet care to the professionals. The place should employ a professional, committed and highly caring staff trained in the most comprehensive and updated pet care training available. All staff members should be able to handle ALL critical pet care responsibilities. Beware of individuals who claim they have experience but lack proper credentials and expertise.

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